Vegetable Cultivar Descriptions for North America – Gourd, Luffa Ridge

Lists 1-27 Combined

Edited by Deena Decker-Walters

The Cucurbit Network
P. O. Box 560483
Miami, FL 33256

Ma Family Luffa – Vendor: Seed Saver’s Exchange. Parentage: old Chinese heirloom brought to USA in 1970. Characteristics: fruit 2′ long, 75 days to edible stage, 120 days to maturity. 1998.

Pusa Nasdhar – Characteristics: fruit medium-sized, rind relatively light green; from India. Martin’s Vegetables for the Hot, Humid Tropics, 1979.

Satputia (Hermaphrodita) – Parentage: from India. Characteristics: fruit small, hermaphroditic. Martin’s Vegetables for the Hot, Humid Tropics, 1979.