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5 weeks (14 laboratories), 1 credit
Todd Wehner, Instructor
- Breeding Databases
- Agrobase (Agronmix)
- Well-established (1990) commercial database (Windows, Windows server, SQL).
- Breed
- Adds molecular breeding to Phenome Networks, based on CropOS
- GeneFlow
- Good for marker data, genomics and QTLs
- GBrowse
- Integrated Breeding Platform
- A project of the Generation Challenge Program of the CGIAR system. Involves tool development to improve the operation of plant breeding programs. Uses open standards such as web browsers, R-project software, and Excel spreadsheets (Windows, Linux, Mac, web).
- Seed inventory, germplasm management system
- LabKey Software
- Uses SAS and R for data analysis
- Excel worksheet export
- Phenome Networks
- Commercial database system.
- Uses open standards (web browser, SQL, Apache, R-project, ICIS) to be flexible and expandable.
- Items needed by students for HS 863 course
- Phenome database access permission
- Computer (Linux, Mac, Windows) with network connection
- Excel spreadsheet and web browser (Firefox or Chrome, not IE)
- Optional: label printer (laser printer with label paper)
- Resources for HS 863 course