Integrated Breeding Databases (HS 863)

Fall 2013 Schedule

Fall semester, 2nd 5-week session, September 25 to October 28
Mon/Wed/Fri at 9:10 to 10:00 am (4:10 to 5:00 pm in Israel)
103 Kilgore Hall

Lec. Sub. Topic Lecturer Month Date Day
1 I. Introduction to databases in plant breeding Wehner Sept. 25 W
2 II. Database setup and troubleshooting Semel 27 F
3 III. Pedigree records 30 M
4 IV. Field trial plan Oct. 2 W
5 Data collection and analysis 4 F
6 V. Elite selections 7 M
7 Nursery advancement 9 W
8 Crossing blocks 14 M
9 New germplasm 16 W
10 VI. Data analysis 1 18 F
11 Data analysis 2 21 M
12 Pedigree searching: cultivar release Vandenlangenberg 23 W
13 VII. Managing seedstock Semel 25 F
14 VIII. Overview and summary 28 M