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Courses for a plant breeding focus:
- Year 1
- Fall Semester
- ST 511 – Exp. Statistics for Biological Sciences I (3 cr) Woodard, NCSU
- Spring Semester
- ST 512 – Exp. Statistics for Biological Sciences II (3 cr) Woodard, NCSU
- PP 506 – Epidemiology & Plant Disease Control (3 cr) M. Benson, NCSU
- Year 2
- HS 706 – Fruit Development and Postharvest Physiology (1 cr) Jm. Burton, NCSU
- CS 714 – Crop Physiology, Plant Response to Environment (3 cr) Wells, NCSU
- Spring Semester
- FOR 725 – Forest Genetics (3 cr) Whetten & McKeand, NCSU
- Year 3
- Fall Semester
- HS 541 – Plant Breeding Methods (3 cr) T. Wehner, NCSU
- HS 707 – Environmental Stress Physiology (1 cr) J. Williamson, NCSU
- HS 790 – Plant Breeding Databases (1 cr) T. Wehner, NCSU
- Spring Semester
- HS 703 – Breeding Asexually-Propagated Crops (1 cr, odd yr) C. Yencho, NCSU
- Year 4
- Fall Semester
- HS 693 – Masters Supervised Research** (4-6 cr) advisor, NCSU
- Spring Semester
- PP 790D Plant Disease Resistance (3 cr) Balint-Kurti, NCSU
- Notes:
- **Planning, preparation and execution of independent study supervised by student’s advisor
- [Optional courses and schedules shown in brackets]
- Courses not at NCSU are available through Ag*Idea
- Students should have a BS or BA degree, and choose an advisor on the plant breeding faculty
- Course subject requirements: 36 credits total, including 9 plant breeding, 6 genetic resistance, 6 experiment design, 3 genetics, 6 elective, 6 research; 18 credits at 500-700 level, 4-6 credits HS 693, HS 601 requirement waived for DE students
- Course transfer credits from related certificates and degrees will be considered by the student’s graduate committee