Plant Breeding Methods (CS, HS 541)

Reserve Reading List

(Books are on 2 hour reserve under HS 541)

Course Textbook

  1. SB123 P725 – Fehr, W. R. 1993. Principles of cultivar development. Volume 1. Theory and technique. Univ. Bookstore, Iowa State Univ., Ames. 536 p. (hardback), ISBN 9780963598905.

Plant Breeding

  1. SB123 A55 – Allard, R. W. 1999. Principles of plant breeding. John Wiley & Sons, New York. 254 p.
  2. SB123.A334 – Aquuah, G. 2007. Principles of plant genetics and breeding. Blackwell Pub., Mass. 569 p.
  3. SB123 B695 – Briggs, F.N. and P.F. Knowles. 1967. Introduction to plant breeding. Reinhold. 426 p.
  4. SB123 H9 – Fehr, W.R. and H.H. Hadley. 1980. Hybridization of crop plants. Amer. Soc. Agron., Madison, WI. 765 p.
  5. SB123.P547 – Hayward, M. D., N. O. Bosemark and I. Romagosa. 1993. Plant breeding: principles and prospects.  Chapman and Hall, New York.
  6. SB123.J46 – Jensen, N. F. 1988. Plant breeding methodology. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
  7. 978-0-226-43704-3 – Kingsbury, N. 2009. Hybrid – The History and Science of Plant Breeding. Univ. Chicago Press, Chicago. 493.
  8. SB123 M36 – Mayo, O. 1980. The theory of plant breeding. Oxford Univ. Press, NY. 293 p.
  9. SB185.7 P63 – Poehlman, J. M. 1995. Breeding field crops. 4th edition. AVI Pub. Co., Westport, Conn, 494.
  10. SB123 S53 – Simmonds, N.W. 1979. Principles of crop improvement. Longman, NY. 408 p.
  11. A1.10 1936 – U.S. Dept. Agric. 1936. Yearbook of Agriculture.
  12. A1.10 1937 – U.S. Dept. Agric. 1937. Yearbook of Agriculture.
  13. SB123 C798 – Wood, D.R. 1983. Crop breeding. Amer. Soc. Agron., Madison, WI. 294 p.


  1. SB731 N27 – NAS-NRC. 1972. Genetic vulnerability of major crops. 307 p.
  2. SB71 H3 – Harlan, J.R. 1992. Crops and Man, 2nd ed. Amer. Soc. Agron., Madison, WI. 295 p.
  3. QK1 C5 v.13 – Vavilov, N.I. 1951. The origin, variation, immunity and breeding of cultivated plants. Chronica Botanica 13: 13-54.

Quantitative Genetics

  1. QH431 F17 – Falconer, D.S. 1996. Introduction to quantitative genetics, 4th ed. Longman, Inc., New York.
  2. SB191 M2 H29 – Hallauer, A.R. and J.B. Miranda, Fo. 1981. Quantitative genetics in maize breeding, 2nd ed. Iowa State Press, Ames.
  3. SB123 S99 – Hanson, W.D. and H.F. Robinson. 1963. Statistical genetics and plant breeding. NAS-NRC, Washington, D.C., 623 p.
  4. S405 A24 – Moll, R.H. and C.W. Stuber. 1974. Quantitative genetics: empirical results relevant to plant breeding. Adv. Agron. 26: 277-313.

Pollen Control

  1. QK981 W53 – Williams, W. 1964. Genetical principles and plant breeding. Blackwell, Oxford. 504 p.
  2. SB123 F7 – Frankel, R. and E. Galun. 1977. Pollination mechanisms, reproduction and plant breeding. Springer-Verlag, NY. 281 p.

Cross- and Self-Pollinated Crops

  1. SB191 M2 S6254 – Sprague, G.F. 1976. Corn and corn improvement. Amer. Soc. Agron., Madison, WI. 774 p.
  2. SB205 S7 C36 – Caldwell, B.E. 1973. Soybeans: improvement, production and uses. Amer. Soc. Agron., Madison, WI.

Other Reading

  1. Y3.At7.22 – Brookhaven Symposium in Biology. No. 9. 1956. Genetics in plant breeding. Brookhaven Nat. Lab., NY.
  2. QK898 A4 E4 – Eigsti, C.J. and P. Dustin. 1955. Colchicine in agriculture, medicine, biology and chemistry. Iowa State College Press. Ames, Iowa.
  3. SB123 B686 – Lewis, C.F. and M.N. Christiansen. 1981. Breeding plants for stress environments. In: K.J. Frey (ed.) Plant Breeding II. Iowa State Univ. Press, Ames. P. 151-177.
  4. SB750 B753 – Maxwell, F.G. and P.R. Jennings. 1980. Breeding plants resistant to insects. Wiley, NY. 683 p.
  5. HD57.7 .S736 – Stettner, M. 2000. Skills for New Managers, ch. 2, 9. McGraw-Hill, New York.

Specific Crops

  1. SB324.7 B74 – Bassett, M. J. 1986. Breeding vegetable crops. AVI Pub. Co., Westport, Conn.
  2. SB406.8 B74 – Callaway, D.J. and M.B. Callaway. 2000. Breeding ornamental plants. Timber Press, Portland, Oregon. 323 p.
  3. SB123 F44 – Fehr, W. R. 1987. Principles of cultivar development. Volume 2. Crop species. Macmillan Pub. Co., New York. 761 p. (hardback), ISBN 0-02-949181-9.
  4. SB357.3 M48 – Moore, J. N. and J. Janick. 1983. Methods in fruit breeding. Purdue Univ. Press, W. Lafayette, IN.