NCSU Cucumber Breeding Report - 2000
Todd C. Wehner
Tammy L. Ellington
Agric. Res. Tech. III
Department of Horticultural Science
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27695-7609
Spring (Stage 3) Pickling Cucumber Trial
Todd C. Wehner and Tammy L. Ellington
Experiment Design
1. A randomized complete block with 3 replications of pickle cultivars
and breeding lines (collectively referred to as cultigens) was grown.
2. Plots were single 20 ft. rows with 5 ft. alleys at each end.
3. Rows were on raised 18" beds spaced 60" apart (center to center).
4. Fertilizer consisted of 80-80-80 lb/A (N-P-K) broadcast preplant and
30-0-0 lb/A (N-P-K) sideplaced at the 2 to 4 leaf stage.
5. Curbit was applied preemergence at the rate of 1 lb. a.i./A.
6. The trial was planted 24 April, and harvested 6 times
(Mondays and Thursdays) between 19 June and 6 July.
Data Collection
1. Firmness was measured on 3 Grade 3 fruits using a Magness-Taylor tester
with a 5/16" tip.
2. Length/Diameter ratio was calculated by measuring 5 Grade 2 fruits.
3. Quality ratings were from 1 to 9, with 1 = worst, 9 = best.
4. Disease ratings were from 0 to 9, with 0 = no disease, 1-2 = trace,
3-4 = slight, 5-6 = moderate, 7-8 = severe, 9 = plant dead.
The following cultigens performed well, and could be advanced
to the next stage:
1 Vlaspik Seminis
2 UW 00 78 Univ. Wis.
3 Jackson SunSeeds
4 Patton SunSeeds
5 UW 00 90 Univ. Wis.
6 UW 00 R Univ. Wis.
7 UW 00 69 Univ. Wis.
8 WI6856Ax6760B USDA-Wis.
Table 6. Stage 3 spring pickle trial - yield data (cultigens are ranked
by fruit value).
Fruit grade distribution Plants
Cultivar Seed Value Weight (% by weight) per A
Rank or line source ($) (cwt) Cull No.1 No.2 No.3 No.4 (x1000)
1 Vlaspik Seminis 2494 338 13 10 31 38 8 18
2 WI6856Ax6760B Wis-USDA 2105 307 12 8 30 38 12 19
3 UW 00 78 Univ. Wis. 1899 267 15 10 31 36 8 23
4 Jackson(3540) SunSeeds 1863 284 11 8 28 38 15 24
5 Patton (3528) SunSeeds 1737 285 11 8 24 37 20 20
6 UW 00 90 Univ. Wis. 1719 246 18 11 28 34 8 23
7 UW 00 69 Univ. Wis. 1690 231 16 11 31 37 4 20
8 UW 00 R Univ. Wis. 1667 291 12 7 20 40 21 21
9 Napoleon(3502) SunSeeds 1645 232 12 10 31 35 12 22
10 Vlasstar(10489) Seminis 1623 237 10 11 26 38 15 20
11 Johnston NCState Univ 1585 225 15 11 31 31 11 18
12 Alibi BejoSeeds 1576 248 12 9 25 39 15 23
13 Royal Harris Moran 1520 242 17 7 25 39 12 24
14 HMX-3469 Harris Moran 1510 266 13 9 24 32 22 25
15 Lafayette SunSeeds 1495 231 15 10 28 34 13 25
16 UW 00 77 Univ. Wis. 1486 223 9 8 27 44 13 24
17 WI6846Ax6848A Wis-USDA 1473 234 16 9 23 37 15 18
18 Palomino(1911) Seminis 1470 238 20 7 27 34 12 23
19 Akord(Bj1802) BejoSeeds 1431 247 10 8 23 35 24 23
20 Calypso NCState Univ 1430 239 13 7 25 36 19 23
21 HMX-8461 Harris Moran 1405 220 15 11 24 32 18 23
22 SRQP-2627 SunSeeds 1367 239 15 6 25 38 16 21
23 Raleigh NCState Univ 1339 213 12 9 21 43 15 17
24 CrossCountry(4318 Harris Moran 1290 206 14 8 27 36 15 25
25 SXQP-1882 SunSeeds 1250 236 18 7 20 37 18 20
26 Manteo NCState Univ 1216 207 26 7 26 34 8 20
27 WI6890Ax6813A Wis-USDA 1007 125 15 16 38 26 6 14
28 Wis.SMR 18 Univ. Wis. 800 167 18 4 21 32 24 22
LSD (5%) 636 102 5 3 9 8 12 5
Mean 1539 240 14 9 26 36 14 21
CV (%) 25 26 21 22 21 13 51 15
Correlation (Fruit value with fruit weight) = 0.87**
Table 7. Stage 3 spring pickle trial - earliness data (cultigens are ranked
by fruit value in harvests 1 and 2).
Cumulative fruit value and % of
total valuez (6 harvests) for harvest:
Cultivar Seed 1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5__
Rank or line source $/A % $/A % $/A % $/A % $/A %
1 Vlaspik Seminis 534 21 875 35 1339 55 1800 71 2174 87
2 UW 00 78 Univ. Wis. 331 17 670 36 1005 53 1376 73 1667 87
3 UW 00 90 Univ. Wis. 429 25 651 38 963 56 1278 74 1553 90
4 UW 00 R Univ. Wis. 433 26 619 37 992 59 1301 78 1494 90
5 Jackson(3540) SunSeeds 346 19 619 33 1010 55 1402 75 1611 86
6 Patton (3528) SunSeeds 368 21 566 32 964 55 1223 70 1473 85
7 UW 00 69 Univ. Wis. 308 17 552 32 922 53 1228 72 1458 86
8 Johnston NCState Univ 314 18 551 33 855 53 1123 70 1396 88
9 Lafayette SunSeeds 334 22 551 36 800 53 1079 72 1296 87
10 HMX-3469 Harris Moran 357 23 523 34 884 58 1116 73 1319 87
11 WI6846Ax6848A Wis-USDA 323 22 519 35 853 58 1102 75 1314 89
12 HMX-8461 Harris Moran 279 19 498 35 710 50 966 68 1171 83
13 Royal Harris Moran 319 21 497 33 776 51 1064 70 1293 85
14 Raleigh NCState Univ 321 24 495 37 818 61 1011 76 1163 87
15 Palomino(1911) Seminis 257 18 471 32 751 51 1053 71 1315 89
16 Vlasstar(10489) Seminis 296 18 459 28 743 46 1044 64 1327 82
17 SRQP-2627 SunSeeds 292 22 455 34 789 58 1008 74 1192 87
18 SXQP-1882 SunSeeds 258 21 430 35 680 55 895 72 1066 85
19 Calypso NCState Univ 225 16 426 30 722 50 1001 70 1223 86
20 Manteo NCState Univ 236 20 418 34 666 55 867 71 1043 86
21 Napoleon(3502) SunSeeds 209 13 418 26 776 47 1109 68 1441 88
22 WI6856Ax6760B Wis-USDA 203 10 401 21 749 38 1323 64 1619 78
23 Akord(Bj1802) BejoSeeds 201 14 385 27 695 49 929 65 1209 84
24 Alibi BejoSeeds 115 7 364 23 630 40 1020 65 1258 80
25 UW 00 77 Univ. Wis. 196 13 361 24 625 42 1007 67 1257 84
26 CrossCountry(4318 Harris Moran 98 8 305 24 536 42 867 67 1089 84
27 Wis.SMR 18 Univ. Wis. 100 13 208 26 355 45 529 66 631 78
28 WI6890Ax6813A Wis-USDA 85 7 188 16 411 38 592 57 816 81
LSD (5%) 179 7 247 8 351 9 479 8 547 5
Mean 277 18 481 31 786 51 1082 70 1317 85
CV (%) 39 25 31 17 27 11 27 7 25 4
Correlation (Fruit value with value in harvests 1 and 2) = 0.79**
Table 8. Stage 3 spring pickle trial - fruit quality data (cultigens are
ranked by average quality).
Cultivar Seed Average Seed- impres-
Rank or line source qualityz Shapez Colory cellz sionz
1 Vlaspik Seminis 7.7 7 7 8 8
2 UW 00 77 Univ. Wis. 7.6 7 7 8 8
3 WI6890Ax6813A Wis-USDA 7.3 7 7 8 7
4 Vlasstar(10489) Seminis 7.3 7 7 8 7
5 UW 00 78 Univ. Wis. 7.2 7 7 7 8
6 UW 00 R Univ. Wis. 7.2 7 7 7 7
7 WI6856Ax6760B Wis-USDA 7.1 7 7 6 8
8 Jackson(3540) SunSeeds 7.0 7 8 6 7
9 HMX-8461 Harris Moran 7.0 7 6 7 8
10 HMX-3469 Harris Moran 7.0 6 6 7 8
11 CrossCountry(4318 Harris Moran 6.9 7 7 7 6
12 Patton (3528) SunSeeds 6.9 7 7 7 7
13 UW 00 69 Univ. Wis. 6.9 7 8 7 7
14 Napoleon(3502) SunSeeds 6.8 7 7 7 6
15 Lafayette SunSeeds 6.8 7 7 6 7
16 Palomino(1911) Seminis 6.8 7 7 7 7
17 Akord(Bj1802) BejoSeeds 6.7 7 6 6 7
18 SRQP-2627 SunSeeds 6.6 7 7 7 6
19 WI6846Ax6848A Wis-USDA 6.6 7 6 5 7
20 Johnston NCState Univ 6.3 7 7 5 7
21 Royal Harris Moran 6.3 7 7 6 6
22 SXQP-1882 SunSeeds 6.3 7 7 6 6
23 Calypso NCState Univ 6.2 7 7 6 6
24 Raleigh NCState Univ 6.1 6 6 6 6
25 UW 00 90 Univ. Wis. 6.1 7 7 6 5
26 Alibi BejoSeeds 6.0 7 6 5 6
27 Manteo NCState Univ 6.0 7 7 5 6
28 Wis.SMR 18 Univ. Wis. 4.7 5 4 4 4
LSD (5%) 0.9 1 1 1 1
Mean 6.7 7 7 6 7
CV (%) 8.2 8 13 16 13
z Quality rated 1 to 9 (1 = poor, 5 = average, 9 = excellent).
y Color rated 1 to 9 (1 = white, 5 = medium green, 9 = very dark green).
Correlation (Fruit value with average quality) = 0.45**
Table 9. Stage 3 spring pickle trial - other quality data (cultigens are
ranked by average quality).z
Cultivar Seed Firm- L/D Defects1¡ Defects2¡
Rank or line source ness ratio 2 4 6 2 4 6
1 UW 00 77 Univ. Wis. 18.0 2.8 H T H K K K
2 HMX-8461 Harris Moran 18.0 3.0 T T K M K N
3 Royal Harris Moran 17.7 3.1 T D K K T T
4 Alibi BejoSeeds 17.3 2.6 H V H W A K
5 Vlaspik Seminis 16.7 3.0 K K K T K T
6 UW 00 R Univ. Wis. 16.7 3.1 K K D M K K
7 HMX-3469 Harris Moran 16.7 3.1 H K N M K K
8 Patton (3528) SunSeeds 16.3 3.0 K H K T K D
9 SRQP-2627 SunSeeds 16.3 2.7 H H D T T T
10 Vlasstar(10489) Seminis 16.0 3.0 T H K H K T
11 UW 00 78 Univ. Wis. 16.0 3.2 K G T T K D
12 Akord(Bj1802) BejoSeeds 16.0 2.8 W H H H K K
13 Raleigh NCState Univ 16.0 2.8 K H T K K H
14 WI6890Ax6813A Wis-USDA 15.7 3.7 G G G T K K
15 CrossCountry(4318 Harris Moran 15.7 3.1 H T K M K K
16 Johnston NCState Univ 15.7 3.2 H T K T K T
17 Calypso NCState Univ 15.7 3.0 H H T M K H
18 UW 00 90 Univ. Wis. 15.7 3.2 T H M M K T
19 Napoleon(3502) SunSeeds 15.3 3.0 H K H K T K
20 Lafayette SunSeeds 15.3 3.2 K T T H K K
21 WI6856Ax6760B Wis-USDA 15.0 3.0 K K T T K K
22 Wis.SMR 18 Univ. Wis. 15.0 2.9 W W T Y T Y
23 WI6846Ax6848A Wis-USDA 14.7 2.9 K T T T K K
24 Manteo NCState Univ 14.7 3.2 T T N K K T
25 Jackson(3540) SunSeeds 14.0 2.9 K K H K T K
26 UW 00 69 Univ. Wis. 14.0 3.3 T K T K G D
27 Palomino(1911) Seminis 14.0 2.9 T T D K K K
28 SXQP-1882 SunSeeds 14.0 3.1 T N T K T K
LSD (5%) 2.6 0.2
Mean 15.7 3.0
CV (%) 10.1 4.9
z Quality rated 1 to 9 (1 = poor, 5 = average, 9 = excellent).
Defects were rated as follows (giving primary and secondary for each harvest):
A - wArty fruit J Ð RiDGed S - Separated carpels
B - Blossom end defects K - Keep(excellent) T - Tapered ends
C - Crooks excessive L - Late maturity U - Uniform green
D - Dogbone shape M - Mottled fruit V - Varicolor (dark stem
E - Early maturity N - Nubs excessive end, light blossom end)
F - Four celled O - Offtype fruit W - White fruit
G - lonG fruit P - Placental hollows X - neCKS on fruit
H - sHort fruit Q - Y - Yellow fruit
I - strIped fruit R - Reject (poor) Z - diSeased fruit
Table 10. Stage 3 spring pickle trial - fruit keeping ability data (cultigens
are ranked by % weight loss).
Weight Rating (0 - 9)y Firm-
Cultivar Seed loss Shriv- Rots & ness
Rank or line source (%)z eling disease (lb.)x
1 Jackson(3540) SunSeeds 15 3 1 13
2 Manteo NCState Univ 15 4 1 17
3 WI6856Ax6760B Wis-USDA 16 4 1 17
4 Alibi BejoSeeds 17 3 1 15
5 SXQP-1882 SunSeeds 17 4 1 15
6 UW 00 77 Univ. Wis. 17 5 1 16
7 Royal Harris Moran 17 6 1 16
8 Vlaspik Seminis 17 6 1 16
9 UW 00 R Univ. Wis. 17 5 1 15
10 WI6846Ax6848A Wis-USDA 17 4 2 14
11 Lafayette SunSeeds 18 4 1 15
12 WI6890Ax6813A Wis-USDA 18 5 1 15
13 Vlasstar(10489) Seminis 18 6 2 14
14 Palomino(1911) Seminis 18 3 1 12
15 Johnston NCState Univ 19 5 1 15
16 Patton (3528) SunSeeds 19 5 2 14
17 Akord(Bj1802) BejoSeeds 19 4 1 15
18 UW 00 69 Univ. Wis. 20 7 2 13
19 Napoleon(3502) SunSeeds 21 5 1 15
20 Wis.SMR 18 Univ. Wis. 21 8 1 15
21 CrossCountry(4318 Harris Moran 21 7 3 14
22 HMX-3469 Harris Moran 21 6 1 15
23 UW 00 78 Univ. Wis. 21 6 2 15
24 UW 00 90 Univ. Wis. 22 7 3 13
25 Calypso NCState Univ 23 4 1 17
26 SRQP-2627 SunSeeds 24 7 2 15
27 Raleigh NCState Univ 24 7 1 15
28 HMX-8461 Harris Moran 25 6 2 15
LSD (5%) 7 3 2 3
Mean 19 5 1 15
CV (%) 22 32 95 12
z After storage at room temperature for 8 days in open kraft paper bags.
y Shriveling & disease rated 0-9 (0=none, 1-3=slight, 4-6=moderate, 7-9=advanced).
x Firmness after storage using Magness-Taylor fruit punch tester.
Correlation (Weight loss with shriveling) = 0.45**
Correlation (Weight loss with firmness) = 0.28*
Table 11. Stage 3 spring pickle trial - bloater resistance data (cultigens
are ranked by bloater resistance).z
Cultivar Seed bloater Honey-
Rank or line source damage Balloon Lens comb
1 UW 00 77 Univ. Wis. 0 0 0 0
2 UW 00 R Univ. Wis. 0 0 0 0
3 WI6890Ax6813A Wis-USDA 0 0 0 0
4 Vlasstar(10489) Seminis 0 0 0 0
5 Johnston NCState Univ 0 0 0 0
6 Akord(Bj1802) BejoSeeds 0 0 0 0
7 UW 00 78 Univ. Wis. 0 0 0 0
8 UW 00 90 Univ. Wis. 0 0 0 0
9 Palomino(1911) Seminis 1 0 0 1
10 Vlaspik Seminis 1 0 1 0
11 Lafayette SunSeeds 1 0 1 0
12 Calypso NCState Univ 1 1 0 0
13 UW 00 69 Univ. Wis. 2 2 0 0
14 Raleigh NCState Univ 2 1 0 1
15 WI6846Ax6848A Wis-USDA 3 3 0 0
16 HMX-3469 Harris Moran 3 3 0 0
17 CrossCountry(4318 Harris Moran 3 2 1 1
18 WI6856Ax6760B Wis-USDA 4 3 0 1
19 Wis.SMR 18 Univ. Wis. 4 3 1 0
20 Manteo NCState Univ 4 3 0 1
21 Alibi BejoSeeds 4 4 0 0
22 Royal Harris Moran 4 4 0 0
23 Napoleon(3502) SunSeeds 4 4 0 0
24 SXQP-1882 SunSeeds 5 4 0 1
25 HMX-8461 Harris Moran 5 5 0 1
26 Patton (3528) SunSeeds 6 6 0 0
27 SRQP-2627 SunSeeds 10 10 0 0
28 Jackson(3540) SunSeeds 14 13 1 0
LSD (5%) 2 6 1 1
Mean 3 2 0 0
CV (%) 130 150 420 345
z Data are means of 2 harvests, 5 fruits/cultigen.
Fruits tested in 5 gal. pails purged with 100% CO2.
Table 12. Stage 3 spring pickle trial - bloater resistance data (cultigens
are ranked by total bloater + defect resistance).z
Bloaters Total Blossom Placen
Cultivar Seed + bloater Total -end -tal Soft
Rank or line source defects damage defects defects hollow center
1 UW 00 77 Univ. Wis. 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 WI6890Ax6813A Wis-USDA 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 Vlasstar(10489) Seminis 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 UW 00 78 Univ. Wis. 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 UW 00 90 Univ. Wis. 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 Akord(Bj1802) BejoSeeds 1 0 1 0 1 0
7 Lafayette SunSeeds 1 1 0 0 0 0
8 UW 00 R Univ. Wis. 1 0 1 1 0 0
9 Palomino(1911) Seminis 1 1 1 0 1 0
10 Calypso NCState Univ 1 1 0 0 0 0
11 Vlaspik Seminis 2 1 1 1 0 0
12 Johnston NCState Univ 2 0 2 0 1 1
13 UW 00 69 Univ. Wis. 2 2 0 0 0 0
14 Raleigh NCState Univ 2 2 0 0 0 0
15 HMX-3469 Harris Moran 3 3 1 0 0 1
16 CrossCountry(4318 Harris Moran 3 3 0 0 0 0
17 WI6846Ax6848A Wis-USDA 4 3 1 1 0 1
18 Alibi BejoSeeds 4 4 0 0 0 0
19 WI6856Ax6760B Wis-USDA 5 4 1 0 1 0
20 Royal Harris Moran 5 4 1 1 0 0
21 Wis.SMR 18 Univ. Wis. 5 4 1 0 0 1
22 Manteo NCState Univ 5 4 1 0 1 0
23 Napoleon(3502) SunSeeds 5 4 1 0 0 1
24 SXQP-1882 SunSeeds 5 5 1 1 0 0
25 HMX-8461 Harris Moran 5 5 0 0 0 0
26 Patton (3528) SunSeeds 7 6 1 0 0 1
27 SRQP-2627 SunSeeds 10 10 0 0 0 0
28 Jackson(3540) SunSeeds 16 14 2 0 0 2
LSD (5%) 7 6 2 1 1 2
Mean 3 3 1 0 0 0
CV (%) 120 130 236 344 433 373
z Data are means of 2 harvests, 5 fruits/cultigen.
Fruits tested in 5 gal. pails purged with 100% CO2.
Table 13. Stage 3 spring pickle trial - sex expression and vine data
(cultigens are ranked by gynoecious rating).
Cultivar Seed Gyn. Vine Vine
Rank or line source ratingz sizey colorx
1 Akord(Bj1802) BejoSeeds 8 7 7
2 WI6846Ax6848A Wis-USDA 8 7 6
3 UW 00 90 Univ. Wis. 8 7 8
4 SXQP-1882 SunSeeds 8 7 8
5 Raleigh NCState Univ 8 7 6
6 HMX-3469 Harris Moran 8 7 8
7 UW 00 R Univ. Wis. 7 7 7
8 SRQP-2627 SunSeeds 7 7 8
9 UW 00 78 Univ. Wis. 7 7 8
10 Patton (3528) SunSeeds 7 7 7
11 Lafayette SunSeeds 7 6 8
12 Palomino(1911) Seminis 7 6 7
13 Royal Harris Moran 7 8 6
14 UW 00 69 Univ. Wis. 7 7 7
15 HMX-8461 Harris Moran 7 7 7
16 UW 00 77 Univ. Wis. 7 6 7
17 Jackson(3540) SunSeeds 7 6 8
18 Vlaspik Seminis 7 7 6
19 Vlasstar(10489) Seminis 7 6 6
20 Calypso NCState Univ 7 6 7
21 Johnston NCState Univ 6 6 6
22 Napoleon(3502) SunSeeds 6 6 8
23 Alibi BejoSeeds 6 6 7
24 CrossCountry(4318 Harris Moran 6 7 7
25 Manteo NCState Univ 5 5 7
26 Wis.SMR 18 Univ. Wis. 5 9 6
27 WI6856Ax6760B Wis-USDA 5 7 6
28 WI6890Ax6813A Wis-USDA 5 6 7
LSD (5%) 2 2 2
Mean 7 7 7
CV (%) 14 18 14
z Gynoecious rating (1 = androecious, 2-3 = andromonoecious, 4-6 = monoecious,
7-8 = predominately gynoecious, 9 = gynoecious).
y Size rated 1 to 9 (1=very small, 9=very large).
x Color rated 1 to 9 (1=yellow, 9=very dark green).
Correlation (Yield with gynoecious rating) = 0.04ns
Correlation (Yield with vine size) = 0.09ns
Table 14. Stage 3 spring pickle trial - disease data (cultigens are ranked
by average disease).z
Cultivar Seed Anthrac Virus Powdery
Rank or line source -nose (PRSV?) mildew
1 Patton (3528) SunSeeds 3.0 5 1
2 Raleigh NCState Univ 3.0 6 1
3 UW 00 77 Univ. Wis. 3.3 5 1
4 Royal Harris Moran 3.3 6 1
5 Alibi BejoSeeds 3.3 8 1
6 UW 00 69 Univ. Wis. 3.7 4 1
7 WI6890Ax6813A Wis-USDA 3.7 5 1
8 Lafayette SunSeeds 3.7 5 1
9 UW 00 90 Univ. Wis. 4.0 4 1
10 CrossCountry(4318 Harris Moran 4.0 5 1
11 Jackson(3540) SunSeeds 4.0 7 1
12 UW 00 78 Univ. Wis. 4.3 3 1
13 SXQP-1882 SunSeeds 4.3 4 1
14 HMX-3469 Harris Moran 4.3 4 1
15 Akord(Bj1802) BejoSeeds 4.3 5 1
16 Vlasstar(10489) Seminis 4.3 5 2
17 Palomino(1911) Seminis 4.3 8 1
18 WI6846Ax6848A Wis-USDA 4.7 6 1
19 Calypso NCState Univ 5.0 5 1
20 UW 00 R Univ. Wis. 5.0 5 2
21 HMX-8461 Harris Moran 5.7 4 1
22 Vlaspik Seminis 5.7 4 1
23 Manteo NCState Univ 5.7 7 1
24 SRQP-2627 SunSeeds 6.0 4 1
25 Johnston NCState Univ 6.0 5 1
26 WI6856Ax6760B Wis-USDA 6.0 6 1
27 Napoleon(3502) SunSeeds 6.0 7 1
28 Wis.SMR 18 Univ. Wis. 8.0 4 3
LSD (5%) 2.1 3 1
Mean 4.6 5 1
CV (%) 28.6 29 64
z Disease rated 0 to 9 (0=none, 1-2=trace, 3-4=slight, 5-6=moderate,
7-8=advanced, 9=plant dead).
Correlation (Yield vs. disease rating) = -0.05ns
Table 15. Stage 3 spring pickle trial - selection indexes (cultigens ranked
by SWI1).z
Cultivar Seed Simple weighted Average rank
Rank or line source SWI1 SWI2 ARI1 ARI2
1 Vlaspik Seminis 10.1 8.3 8.4 9.5
2 UW 00 78 Univ. Wis. 8.6 7.3 9.9 10.5
3 Jackson(3540) SunSeeds 8.4 7.2 9.7 11.2
4 Patton (3528) SunSeeds 8.1 7.0 10.6 10.0
5 UW 00 90 Univ. Wis. 8.1 6.8 13.6 12.5
6 UW 00 R Univ. Wis. 8.0 6.9 11.1 11.0
7 UW 00 69 Univ. Wis. 7.9 6.8 12.0 13.6
8 WI6856Ax6760B Wis-USDA 7.7 6.8 14.1 15.8
9 Lafayette SunSeeds 7.6 6.5 12.8 12.7
10 Vlasstar(10489) Seminis 7.5 6.5 12.7 13.8
11 Royal Harris Moran 7.4 6.4 14.6 12.9
12 HMX-3469 Harris Moran 7.3 6.4 13.6 12.7
13 Johnston NCState Univ 7.3 6.2 16.0 15.8
14 UW 00 77 Univ. Wis. 7.2 6.3 11.0 11.8
15 Palomino(1911) Seminis 7.1 6.2 14.4 15.1
16 WI6846Ax6848A Wis-USDA 7.1 6.2 14.4 14.4
17 Napoleon(3502) SunSeeds 7.0 6.1 15.6 17.0
18 Raleigh NCState Univ 7.0 6.1 16.1 14.0
19 Alibi BejoSeeds 7.0 6.0 15.3 14.6
20 HMX-8461 Harris Moran 6.9 6.1 14.7 13.8
21 Akord(Bj1802) BejoSeeds 6.8 6.0 15.0 15.2
22 Calypso NCState Univ 6.7 5.9 17.4 16.6
23 SRQP-2627 SunSeeds 6.6 5.9 17.3 16.4
24 SXQP-1882 SunSeeds 6.6 5.9 17.6 16.8
25 CrossCountry(4318 Harris Moran 6.4 5.7 16.1 17.0
26 Manteo NCState Univ 6.2 5.5 19.9 19.0
27 WI6890Ax6813A Wis-USDA 5.7 5.1 14.9 16.6
28 Wis.SMR 18 Univ. Wis. 4.0 3.8 27.4 25.8
LSD (5%) 1.9 1.4 5.8 6.1
Mean 7.2 6.2 14.5 14.5
CV (%) 15.8 13.8 24.5 25.7
z SWI is simple weighted index calculated from the performance of a cultigen for
yield; earliness; fruit shape, seedcell size and overall impression; and disease
resistance. The index is calculated with 2 different methods of weighting each
trait (10 is best, 1 is worst).
ARI is the average ranking of each cultigen for yield, earliness, fruit quality
and disease resistance. The index is calculated with 2 different sets of
secondary traits added in with the primary traits (1 is best).
Correlation (Yield with SWI1) = 0.93**
Correlation (Yield with ARI1) = -0.68**