Brinestock Evaluation

NCSU Cucumber Breeding Report - 2001


Todd C. Wehner

Tammy L. Ellington
Agric. Res. Tech. III

Department of Horticultural Science
North Carolina State University
            Raleigh, NC 27695-7609

Pickling Cucumbers
Brinestock Evaluation - 2001
Spring (Stage 3) Pickle Trial
Todd C. Wehner and Tammy L. Ellingtonz 
Department of Horticultural Science
North Carolina State University

Cucumbers from harvests 2, 4, and 6 of the stage 3 spring pickling cucumber
trial were each placed in one brine tank at Mt. Olive Pickle Co.  The tanks
were purged with nitrogen to remove excess carbon dioxide from the brine.

The cultigens (cultivars and breeding lines) were evaluated for fruit quality
(shape, external color, texture, seedcell size, and lot uniformity), firmness,
bloaters, and other defects in October.  Quality was evaluated by judges from
industry:  Phil Denlinger, Sonny Coghill, Lawrence Crocker, Bob Quinn, and
Janet Turner (Mt. Olive), Eddie Quill, Darrel Hawley, Rachel Huerta, and Carlos
Gurrala (Dean Foods), Curtiss and John Cates (Addis Cates Co.), Mike Cain
(Sunseeds), and Bill Rankin (Harris Moran).

Fruit quality was evaluated using a rating system (that approximated letter
grades) from 1 to 9, where 9 = A+, 8 = A, 7 = A-, 6 = B+, 5 = B, 4 = B-, 3 = C,
2 = D, 1 = F.  Bloaters and defects were measured as percentage of fruits with
damage in a sample of 20 grade 3B fruits.  Firmness was measured by punching 10
grade 2B fruits with a Magness-Taylor tester (having a 5/16" diameter tip).  All
cultigens were randomized, replicated and coded to prevent bias and provide a
measure of error variance.

The cultigens are presented in order by decreasing fruit quality in Table 1, and
are ranked for resistance to bloaters and defects in Tables 2 and 3, respectively.
Fruit texture and firmness rankings are in Table 4.  The average quality ratings
assigned by each judge in the test are presented in Table 5, showing how lenient
each judge was relative to the others.  Due to insufficient replication, the
bloater data showed few significant differences among cultigens.

- The cultigens with best fruit quality in brinestock were Calypso, Vlaspik,
  Colt, Napoleon, and Cross Country.
- The most bloater resistant cultigens were Calypso, Patton, Cross Country,
  Premio, and Johnston.
- As usual, brinestock firmness (from the punch test) was only partially
  correlated with texture (subjective rating from the judges), so the two
  traits are measurements of different aspects of cucumber fruit firmness.
- Judges ranged from Gurrola, who was the most liberal in quality ratings to
  Curtiss Cates, who was the most conservative.  Analysis of variance indicated
  significant differences among judges for the way they rated fruit quality.
  However, interaction of judge with cultigen was non-significant (all judges
  gave good cultigens high ratings, and bad cultigens low ratings).

z Thanks to Mt. Olive Pickle Co., Mt. Olive, N.C. for assistance in brining the
cucumbers, and for providing the facilities for evaluating the cultigens tested.
Thanks also to the personnel at the Horticultural Crops Research Station,
Clinton, N.C. for help in running the field trials.

Table 1.  Brinestock evaluation - quality ratings (cultigens are ranked by
average quality).z
       Cultivar            Seed       Average        Extrnal Text- Seed Uniform-
 Rank   or line           source      quality  Shape  color   ure  cell   ity
    1  Calypso           NCState Univ    6.2     6.3    5.9   6.1   6.3   6.6
    2  Vlaspik           Seminis         6.2     5.9    6.8   5.7   6.0   6.7
    3  Colt              Seminis         6.1     6.1    6.5   5.4   6.1   6.3
    4  Napoleon(3502)    SunSeeds        5.9     6.2    6.6   5.2   5.4   6.3
    5  CrossCountry4318  Harris Moran    5.9     5.6    6.1   5.9   6.1   6.0
    6  HMX-0469          Harris Moran    5.9     5.7    5.4   5.5   6.1   6.6
    7  Arabian           Seminis         5.8     6.0    6.8   4.8   5.2   6.5
    8  Jackson(3540)     SunSeeds        5.8     5.8    6.8   5.2   5.2   6.1
    9  Royal             Harris Moran    5.8     5.7    6.3   5.6   5.0   6.3
   10  WI6856Ax6760B     Wis-USDA        5.7     6.1    5.8   5.2   5.2   6.4
   11  HMX-0468          Harris Moran    5.7     5.1    6.6   5.4   5.1   6.3
   12  Johnston          NCState Univ    5.7     5.6    6.4   5.4   4.9   6.1
   13  Premio            Sakata          5.7     5.8    5.2   5.5   5.6   6.2
   14  Raleigh           NCState Univ    5.7     5.9    6.2   5.2   4.7   6.3
   15  Vlasstar(10489)   Seminis         5.6     5.6    6.2   5.1   5.3   5.9
   16  Patton (3528)     SunSeeds        5.5     5.4    6.1   5.0   5.5   5.7
   17  Palomino(1911)    Seminis         5.4     5.3    6.3   4.9   5.1   5.6
   18  SRQP-2861         SunSeeds        5.4     5.5    6.2   4.7   4.9   5.8
   19  Manteo            NCState Univ    5.4     5.1    6.2   4.9   4.8   6.0
   20  Macarthur         SunSeeds        5.3     4.8    6.2   4.9   4.9   5.9
   21  Wis.SMR 18        Univ. Wis.      5.3     5.5    4.3   5.3   5.1   6.1
       LSD (5%)                          0.4     0.6    0.4   0.6   0.6   0.5
       Mean                              5.7     5.7    6.1   5.2   5.4   6.1
       CV (%)                           15.8    22.7   15.7  25.4  27.3  18.6
z Quality rated 1 to 9 (9=A+, 8=A, 7=A-, 6=B+, 5=B, 4=B-, 3=C, 2=D, 1=F).
Correlation (Shape with Uniformity) = 0.59**
Correlation (Texture with Seedcell) = 0.92**

Table 2.  Brinestock evaluation - percentage of fruit damaged by bloaters
(cultigens are ranked by balloon bloater resistance).
          Cultivar             Seed           Total                       Honey-
 Rank      or line            source         bloaters   Balloon   Lens     comb
    1    Calypso             NCState Univ        4         2        2        0
    2    Patton (3528)       SunSeeds            5         3        1        1
    3    CrossCountry4318    Harris Moran        6         3        3        1
    4    Premio              Sakata              7         3        2        2
    5    Johnston            NCState Univ        4         4        0        0
    6    Royal               Harris Moran        6         4        1        1
    7    Raleigh             NCState Univ        8         5        2        1
    8    Vlaspik             Seminis             8         6        3        0
    9    Wis.SMR 18          Univ. Wis.          7         6        0        1
   10    Manteo              NCState Univ       10         6        3        1
   11    Colt                Seminis            11         7        3        2
   12    HMX-0469            Harris Moran       12         7        4        2
   13    WI6856Ax6760B       Wis-USDA            9         7        2        0
   14    Vlasstar(10489)     Seminis             8         8        0        0
   15    HMX-0468            Harris Moran       15         8        3        4
   16    Jackson(3540)       SunSeeds           13         9        3        1
   17    Macarthur           SunSeeds           15         9        4        2
   18    Napoleon(3502)      SunSeeds           12        10        2        0
   19    Palomino(1911)      Seminis            17        11        4        2
   20    SRQP-2861           SunSeeds           15        14        1        0
   21    Arabian             Seminis            21        14        4        3
         LSD (5%)                               10         8        4        2
         Mean                                   10         7        2        1
         CV (%)                                 62        69      111      143

Table 3.  Brinestock evaluation - percentage of fruit damaged by defects
(cultigens are ranked by resistance to defects).
           Cultivar             Seed           Total  Placental   end     Soft
  Rank      or line            source         defects  hollows  defects  centers
     1    CrossCountry4318    Harris Moran        1        1       0       0
     2    Colt                Seminis             1        1       0       0
     3    Calypso             NCState Univ        3        0       1       2
     4    Jackson(3540)       SunSeeds            3        0       1       2
     5    HMX-0468            Harris Moran        3        1       1       1
     6    Patton (3528)       SunSeeds            3        1       2       1
     7    Napoleon(3502)      SunSeeds            3        0       1       2
     8    Wis.SMR 18          Univ. Wis.          4        4       0       0
     9    Royal               Harris Moran        4        0       0       4
    10    Vlaspik             Seminis             4        2       1       1
    11    HMX-0469            Harris Moran        4        3       1       0
    12    Macarthur           SunSeeds            4        1       1       2
    13    Palomino(1911)      Seminis             5        2       1       2
    14    Arabian             Seminis             5        5       0       0
    15    Manteo              NCState Univ        6        3       0       3
    16    Premio              Sakata              8        1       1       5
    17    Johnston            NCState Univ        8        2       1       5
    18    WI6856Ax6760B       Wis-USDA            8        2       0       6
    19    Raleigh             NCState Univ        8        2       3       3
    20    SRQP-2861           SunSeeds            9        1       3       5
    21    Vlasstar(10489)     Seminis            10        1       2       7
          LSD (5%)                                5        3       3       4    
          Mean                                    5        2       1      17   
          CV (%)                                 64      130     183       7    

Table 4.  Brinestock evaluation - firmness and texture of fruit, and resistance
to bloaters and defects (cultigens are ranked by firmness).z
                                     Firm-         Total
      Cultivar            Seed       ness  Text-  bloaters  Total   Bal-
Rank   or line           source      (lb.)  ure  & defects bloaters loon  Defects
   1  Palomino(1911)    Seminis       19.5   4.9    21      17      11       5
   2  Calypso           NCState Univ  19.0   6.1     7       4       2       3
   3  Johnston          NCState Univ  18.6   5.4    12       4       4       8
   4  Vlaspik           Seminis       18.3   5.7    12       8       6       4
   5  HMX-0469          Harris Moran  17.9   5.5    16      12       7       4
   6  Colt              Seminis       17.9   5.4    13      11       7       1
   7  Premio            Sakata        17.8   5.5    14       7       3       8
   8  Wis.SMR 18        Univ. Wis.    17.7   5.3    11       7       6       4
   9  Vlasstar(10489)   Seminis       17.4   5.1    18       8       8      10
  10  CrossCountry4318  Harris Moran  17.2   5.9     7       6       3       1
  11  Royal             Harris Moran  17.1   5.6    10       6       4       4
  12  WI6856Ax6760B     Wis-USDA      17.1   5.2    17       9       7       8
  13  Raleigh           NCState Univ  17.0   5.2    16       8       5       8
  14  HMX-0468          Harris Moran  16.5   5.4    18      15       8       3
  15  Patton (3528)     SunSeeds      16.5   5.0     8       5       3       3
  16  Arabian           Seminis       16.4   4.8    26      21      14       5
  17  Macarthur         SunSeeds      16.0   4.9    19      15       9       4
  18  Manteo            NCState Univ  15.6   4.9    16      10       6       6
  19  Jackson(3540)     SunSeeds      15.5   5.2    16      13       9       3
  20  Napoleon(3502)    SunSeeds      14.5   5.2    15      12      10       3
  21  SRQP-2861         SunSeeds      14.4   4.7    24      15      14       9
      LSD (5%)                         2.0          11      10       8       5
      Mean                            17.0          15      10       7       5
      CV (%)                           7.3          43      62      69      64
z Firmness determined by punch-testing (Magness-Taylor) 10 grade 2B fruits.
Correlation of Texture with:  Firmness = -0.35**,  Balloon = -0.84**
Correlation of Texture with:  Honeycomb = -0.49**, Soft centers = -0.33**

Table 5.  Brinestock evaluation - quality ratings assigned by the judges
(judges are ranked by leniency).z
                          Average           External          Seed   Uniform-
     Rank    Judge        quality    Shape    color Texture   cell     ity
        1    Gurrola        6.7       6.8      7.1     6.8     6.2     6.7
        2    Denlinger      6.4       6.1      6.7     6.3     6.0     6.9
        3    Crocker        6.3       5.9      6.6     5.3     6.6     7.0
        4    Turner         6.2       5.6      5.7     6.5     6.3     6.7
        5    Rankin         6.0       5.7      5.9     6.2     6.1     6.3
        6    Huerta         5.8       6.3      7.1     4.9     5.5     5.3
        7    Coghill        5.8       5.9      6.3     5.4     5.5     5.7
        8    Quill          5.7       6.2      6.3     4.9     4.9     6.3
        9    Quinn          5.3       4.9      5.5     4.9     4.3     7.2
       10    Cain           5.3       5.4      6.0     4.7     4.5     5.9
       11    Hawley         5.2       5.5      6.0     4.4     4.4     5.5
       12    Cates,J        4.9       4.2      5.3     4.1     5.3     5.5
       13    Cates,C        4.8       5.3      5.2     4.3     4.1     5.1
z Quality rated 1 to 9 (9=A+, 8=A, 7=A-, 6=B+, 5=B, 4=B-, 3=C, 2=D, 1=F).