Spring (Stage 3) Slicing Cucumber Trial 2001

NCSU Cucumber Breeding Report - 2001cuke.gif

Todd C. Wehner

Tammy L. Ellington
Agric. Res. Tech. III

Department of Horticultural Science
North Carolina State University
            Raleigh, NC 27695-7609

Spring (Stage 3) Slicing Cucumber Trial
Todd C. Wehner and Tammy L. Ellington

Experiment Design
1.   A randomized complete block with 3 replications of slicer cultivars
     and breeding lines (collectively referred to as cultigens) was grown.
2.   Plots were single 20 ft. rows with 5 ft. alleys at each end.
3.   Rows were on raised 18" beds spaced 60" apart (center to center).
4.   Fertilizer consisted of 80-80-80 lb/A (N-P-K) broadcast preplant
     and 30-0-0 lb/A (N-P-K) sideplaced at the 2 to 4 leaf stage.
5.   Curbit was applied preemergence at the rate of 1 lb. a.i./A.
6.   The trial was planted 21 May, and harvested 6 times
     (Mondays and Thursdays) between 9 and 26 July.

Data Collection
1.   Fruits were weighed after sorting into No.1, No.2 and cull
     (nubs and crooks) grades according to U.S.D.A. standards.
2.   Fruit length, diameter and weight were recorded for 3 fruit per plot.
3.   Quality ratings were from 1 to 9, with 1 = worst, 9 = best.
4.   Disease ratings were from 0 to 9, with 0 = no disease, 1-2 = trace,
     3-4 = slight, 5-6 = moderate, 7-8 = severe, 9 = plant dead.

The following cultigens performed well, and could be advanced
to the next stage:

1    XP3501217                      Seminis    
2    SCU 6601                       Sakata     
3    General Lee (4440)             HarrisMoran
4    SRQS-2653                      SunSeeds   
5    EX4674277                      Seminis    
6    SRQS-2387                      SunSeeds   

Table 23.  Stage 3 spring slicer trial - yield data (cultigens ranked by
cwt/A of Fancy + No. 1 grade fruit).
                                       Yield(cwt/A)     Percent          Plants
       Cultivar           Seed         Fancy  Market-    fancy   Percent  per A
Rank    or line          source        +No.1    able     +No.1    culls  (X1000)
  1   SCU 6601         Sakata           177      311       46       19       22
  2   GeneralLee4440   HarrisMoran      163      294       46       16       20
  3   SRQS-2387        SunSeeds         148      305       31       36       20
  4   XP3501217        Seminis          146      324       32       27       20
  5   SRQS-2653        SunSeeds         134      314       28       34       22
  6   Poinsett 76      CornellUniv      125      267       35       25       21
  7   Ashley           Check            124      241       40       24       21
  8   Speedway         Seminis          118      253       35       21       15
  9   EX4674277        Seminis          116      270       33       23       22
 10   Dasher II        Seminis           86      202       29       29       19
 11   Marketmore 76    Check             84      202       35       18       21
 12   HMX-8416         HarrisMoran       79      211       26       30       18
 13   Cherokee 7       Check             78      171       32       30        5
 14   EX4675898        Seminis           61      189       20       38       19
      LSD (5%)                           70      106       18       13        3
      Mean                              117      254       34       26       19
      CV (%)                             36       25       26       30       11
Correlation (Marketable yield with % culls) = -0.36*

Table 24.  Stage 3 spring slicer trial - earliness data (cultigens ranked
by weight of Fancy + No.1 grade fruit in harvests 1 and 2).
                                          Cumulative fruit weight and % of
                                       total weight (6 harvests) for harvest:
      Cultivar          Seed           1      1-2      1-3      1-4      1-5  
Rank  or line          source       wt.  %  wt.   %  wt.   %  wt.   %  wt.   %
  1  XP3501217       Seminis       126  38  158  48  178  54  232  71  292  89
  2  SRQS-2653       SunSeeds       47  15  124  38  169  54  197  63  270  87
  3  EX4674277       Seminis        62  21  112  39  149  53  182  65  228  82
  4  SCU 6601        Sakata         71  24  106  34  181  58  236  76  273  88
  5  Speedway        Seminis        74  31  102  41  137  52  187  75  232  91
  6  EX4675898       Seminis        55  31   85  46  104  56  130  70  162  86
  7  GeneralLee4440  HarrisMoran    23   8   85  29  147  50  170  57  220  74
  8  SRQS-2387       SunSeeds       58  19   82  27  163  54  222  73  269  88
  9  HMX-8416        HarrisMoran    56  28   74  36  134  62  156  74  187  89
 10  Ashley          Check          16   6   61  24   98  40  141  59  205  85
 11  Cherokee 7      Check          39  25   61  37   79  47  121  72  151  88
 12  Dasher II       Seminis        34  19   56  29  103  51  128  64  168  84
 13  Poinsett 76     CornellUniv    22   9   37  14  114  41  171  65  221  84
 14  Marketmore 76   Check           3   3   13   7   77  40  112  55  164  79
     LSD (5%)                       44  18   56  15   74  15   73  14  101  12
     Mean                           49  20   83  32  131  51  170  67  217  85
     CV (%)                         54  53   41  27   33  18   25  12   28   8
Correlation (Marketable yield with yield in harvests 1-2)      = 0.38*
Correlation (Marketable yield with % of yield in harvests 1-2) = -0.11ns

Table 25.  Stage 3 spring slicer trial - fruit quality data (cultigens ranked
by average quality).z
        Cultivar         Seed         Average                     Seed-  Overall
Rank    or line         source        quality     Shape   Color   cell  impression
  1   SCU 6601         Sakata           7.4         7        8       7       8
  2   GeneralLee4440   HarrisMoran      7.3         8        8       6       8
  3   Dasher II        Seminis          7.1         7        8       7       7
  4   Marketmore 76    Check            6.9         8        8       5       8
  5   XP3501217        Seminis          6.7         7        8       6       7
  6   Speedway         Seminis          6.7         7        8       6       7
  7   HMX-8416         HarrisMoran      6.7         6        8       8       6
  8   SRQS-2387        SunSeeds         6.6         7        8       6       7
  9   Cherokee 7       Check            6.4         7        7       6       7
 10   EX4674277        Seminis          6.3         7        8       5       7
 11   Poinsett 76      CornellUniv      6.3         7        8       5       7
 12   SRQS-2653        SunSeeds         6.1         6        8       6       6
 13   Ashley           Check            5.8         6        7       6       6
 14   EX4675898        Seminis          5.3         5        7       6       5
      LSD (5%)                          1.0         1        1       1       1
      Mean                              6.5         7        8       6       7
      CV (%)                            9.1        10        8      13      11
z Quality rated 1 to 9 (1 = poor, 5 = average, 9 = excellent;
except color where 1 = white, 5 = medium green, 9 = very dark green).
Correlation (Marketable yield with average quality) = -0.04ns

Table 26.  Stage 3 spring slicer trial - fruit dimensions and comments
(cultigens ranked by average quality rating).z
        Cultivar         Seed         Length  Diameter  Wt.  Defect1° Defect2°
Rank    or line          source       (0.1")   (0.1")  (lb.) 2  4  6  2  4  6
    1  SCU 6601        Sakata          8.5     2.2    0.91  D  K  K  K  T  T
    2  GeneralLee4440  HarrisMoran     8.1     2.1    0.78  K  T  T  H  K  K
    3  Dasher II       Seminis         8.3     2.1    0.80  T  T  K  H  K  T
    4  Marketmore 76   Check           8.4     2.1    0.88  T  K  K  K  M  M
    5  XP3501217       Seminis         8.8     2.1    0.84  T  T  K  K  K  T
    6  Speedway        Seminis         8.5     2.2    0.93  H  H  H  K  T  A
    7  HMX-8416        HarrisMoran     8.9     2.0    0.85  M  T  K  T  K  T
    8  SRQS-2387       SunSeeds        8.4     2.1    1.13  H  K  K  T  T  M
    9  Cherokee 7      Check           7.7     2.2    0.80  K  H  H  T  T  M
   10  EX4674277       Seminis         8.4     2.1    0.92  T  T  K  H  K  M
   11  Poinsett 76     CornellUniv     7.8     2.1    0.76  H  K  H  K  H  K
   12  SRQS-2653       SunSeeds        9.0     2.1    0.95  I  T  A  D  A  I
   13  Ashley          Check           8.4     2.2    0.83  A  M  M  D  I  I
   14  EX4675898       Seminis         8.4     2.1    1.05  H  H  M  M  M  H
       LSD (5%)                        0.6     0.2    0.26
       Mean                            8.4     2.1    0.89
       CV (%)                          4.8     5.3   17.73
z Defects were rated as follows (giving primary and secondary for each harvest):
 A - wArty fruit             J - RiDGed               S - Separated carpels
 B - Blossom end defects     K - Keep(excellent)      T - Tapered ends
 C - Crooks excessive        L - Late maturity        U - Uniform green
 D - Dogbone shape           M - Mottled fruit        V - Varicolor (dark stem
 E - Early maturity          N - Nubs excessive           end, light blossom end)
 F - Four celled             O - Offtype fruit        W - White fruit
 G - lonG fruit              P - Placental hollows    X - neCKS on fruit
 H - sHort fruit             Q -                      Y - Yellow fruit
 I - strIped fruit           R - Reject (poor)        Z - diSeased fruit

Table 27.  Stage 3 spring slicer trial - fruit keeping ability data (cultigens
are ranked by % weight loss).
                                            Weight     Rating (0 - 9)y     Firm-
          Cultivar            Seed           loss     Shriv-    Rots &     ness
 Rank     or line            source          (%)z      eling    disease    (lb.)x
    1    SCU 6601          Sakata             14         3         0        16
    2    GeneralLee4440    HarrisMoran        16         5         1        17
    3    Dasher II         Seminis            20         4         1        20
    4    Marketmore 76     Check              19         3         3        15
    5    XP3501217         Seminis            20         4         1        16
    6    Speedway          Seminis            21         4         0        14
    7    HMX-8416          HarrisMoran        19         3         0        14
    8    SRQS-2387         SunSeeds           15         2         1        15
    9    Cherokee 7        Check              18         4         1        14
   10    EX4674277         Seminis            15         4         2        16
   11    Poinsett 76       CornellUniv        12         3         1        17
   12    SRQS-2653         SunSeeds           22         4         2        15
   13    Ashley            Check              15         3         4        15
   14    EX4675898         Seminis            19         4         1        15
         LSD (5%)                             10         3         3         4
         Mean                                 17         4         1        15
         CV (%)                               34        54       117        14
z After storage at room temperature for 8 days in open kraft paper bags.
y Shriveling & disease rated 0-9 (0=none, 1-3=slight, 4-6=moderate, 7-9=advanced).
x Firmness after storage using Magness-Taylor fruit punch tester.
Correlation (Weight loss with shriveling) = 0.39*
Correlation (Weight loss with firmness) = -0.30*

Table 28.  Stage 3 spring slicer trial - sex expression and vine data (cultigens
ranked by gynoecious rating).
                                                Early    Earli-
       Cultivar          Seed           Gyn.    yield    ness      Vine    Vine
Rank   or line          source         ratingz (cwt/A)    (%)x       sizew   colorw
  1   XP3501217        Seminis            8      158       48        8        6
  2   SRQS-2653        SunSeeds           8      124       38        8        8
  3   HMX-8416         HarrisMoran        8       74       36        6        6
  4   Cherokee 7       Check              7       61       37        7        8
  5   EX4674277        Seminis            7      112       39        7        6
  6   EX4675898        Seminis            7       85       46        7        6
  7   Speedway         Seminis            7      102       41        6        7
  8   Dasher II        Seminis            7       56       29        6        7
  9   Poinsett 76      CornellUniv        6       37       14        7        8
 10   SCU 6601         Sakata             5      106       34        7        7
 11   GeneralLee4440   HarrisMoran        5       85       29        7        7
 12   Ashley           Check              5       61       24        7        7
 13   SRQS-2387        SunSeeds           5       82       27        8        8
 14   Marketmore 76    Check              3       13        7        5        6
      LSD (5%)                            2       56       15        2        2
      Mean                                6       83       32        7        7
      CV (%)                             24       41       27       18       14
z Gynoecious rating (1 = androecious, 2-3 = andromonoecious, 4-6 = monoecious,
  7-8 = predominately gynoecious, 9 = gynoecious).
y Early yield is weight of Fancy+No.1 grade fruit produced in harvests 1 and 2.
x Earliness is the percent of the yield (Fancy + No.1 grade fruit)
  of 6 harvests that was produced in harvests 1 and 2.
wVine size & color are rated 1 (small or yellow green) to 9 (large or dark green).
Correlation (Marketable yield with gynoecious rating) = 0.00ns

Table 29.  Stage 3 spring slicer trial - disease ratings (cultigens ranked
by GSB resistance).z
               Cultivar              Seed                  Anthrac-
        Rank    or line             source                   nose
          1    HMX-8416            HarrisMoran               1.3
          2    SCU 6601            Sakata                    1.3
          3    GeneralLee4440      HarrisMoran               1.7
          4    Cherokee 7          Check                     2.0
          5    XP3501217           Seminis                   2.3
          6    Poinsett 76         CornellUniv               3.0
          7    EX4674277           Seminis                   3.3
          8    EX4675898           Seminis                   3.3
          9    Marketmore 76       Check                     3.7
         10    SRQS-2653           SunSeeds                  4.3
         11    Dasher II           Seminis                   4.3
         12    Ashley              Check                     4.3
         13    SRQS-2387           SunSeeds                  4.3
         14    Speedway            Seminis                   5.7
               LSD (5%)                                      3.0
               Mean                                          3.2
               CV (%)                                       55.8
z Disease rated 0 to 9 (0=none, 1-2=trace, 3-4=slight, 5-6=moderate, 7-8=advanced,
9=plant dead).
Correlation (Marketable yield with anthracnose rating) = 0.01ns

Table 30.  Stage 3 spring slicer trial - selection indexes (cultigens ranked
by SWI1).z
                                            Simple weighted     Average rank
         Cultivar           Seed                indexes            indexes___
  Rank    or line          source           SWI1       SWI2     ARI1     ARI2
    1    XP3501217         Seminis           8.3       7.3       5.5       4.9
    2    SCU 6601          Sakata            8.2       7.3       3.8       4.2
    3    GeneralLee4440    HarrisMoran       7.6       6.9       4.7       5.2
    4    SRQS-2653         SunSeeds          7.2       6.3       8.0       7.6
    5    EX4674277         Seminis           6.9       6.1       7.5       7.1
    6    SRQS-2387         SunSeeds          6.8       6.1       7.3       7.7
    7    Speedway          Seminis           6.5       5.8       7.8       7.9
    8    HMX-8416          HarrisMoran       6.1       5.7       7.4       7.2
    9    Poinsett 76       CornellUniv       5.9       5.4       8.9       9.0
   10    Ashley            Check             5.8       5.2       9.8       9.6
   11    Cherokee 7        Check             5.6       5.3       8.3       8.0
   12    Dasher II         Seminis           5.5       5.2       7.7       8.2
   13    EX4675898         Seminis           5.3       5.0       9.9       9.1
   14    Marketmore 76     Check             4.9       4.6       8.3       9.2
         LSD (5%)                            1.8       1.4       2.7       2.8
         Mean                                6.4       5.9       7.5       7.5
         CV (%)                             16.7      14.1      21.3      22.0
z SWI is simple weighted index calculated from the performance of a cultigen for
yield; earliness; fruit shape, seedcell size and overall impression; and disease
resistance.  The index is calculated with 2 different methods of weighting each
trait (10 is best, 1 is worst).
ARI is the average ranking of each cultigen for yield, earliness, fruit quality
and disease resistance.  The index is calculated with 2 different sets of
secondary traits added in with the primary traits (1 is best).
Correlation (Marketable yield with SWI1) = 0.83**
Correlation (Marketable yield with ARI1) = -0.47**