NCSU Cucumber Breeding Report - 2001
Todd C. Wehner
Tammy L. Ellington
Agric. Res. Tech. III
Department of Horticultural Science
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27695-7609
Summer (Stage 4) Pickling Cucumber Trial
Todd C. Wehner and Tammy L. Ellington
Experiment Design
1. A randomized complete block with 3 replications of pickle cultivars
and breeding lines (collectively referred to as cultigens) was grown.
2. Plots were single 20 ft. rows with 5 ft. alleys at each end.
3. Rows were on raised 18" beds spaced 60" apart (center to center).
4. Fertilizer consisted of 80-80-80 lb/A (N-P-K) broadcast preplant
and 30-0-0 lb/A (N-P-K) sideplaced at the 2 to 4 leaf stage.
5. Curbit was applied preemergence at the rate of 1 lb. a.i./A.
6. The trial was planted 16 July, and harvested 5 times
(Mondays and Thursdays) between 27 August through 10 September.
Data Collection
1. Firmness was measured on 3 Grade 3 fruits using a Magness-Taylor tester
with a 5/16" tip.
2. Length/Diameter ratio was calculated by measuring 10 Grade 2 fruits.
3. Quality ratings were from 1 to 9, with 1 = worst, 9 = best.
4. Disease ratings were from 0 to 9, with 0 = no disease, 1-2 = trace,
3-4 = slight, 5-6 = moderate, 7-8 = severe, 9 = plant dead.
The following cultigens performed well, and could be advanced
to the next stage:
1 Patton (3528) SunSeeds
2 Calypso NCState Univ
3 Raleigh NCState Univ
4 Arabian Seminis
5 HMX-0469 Harris Moran
6 Vlaspik Seminis
7 Cross Country (4318) Harris Moran
Table 16. Stage 4 summer pickle trial - yield data (cultigens are ranked
by fruit value).
Fruit grade distribution Plants
Cultivar Seed Value Weight (% by weight) per A
Rank or line source ($) (cwt) Cull No.1 No.2 No.3 No.4 (x1000)
1 Patton (3528) SunSeeds 770 141 24 8 25 26 17 26
2 Vlaspik Seminis 732 123 33 10 25 23 9 25
3 Calypso NCState Univ 726 141 31 7 23 26 13 26
4 Raleigh NCState Univ 692 126 25 8 21 31 15 23
5 HMX-0469 Harris Moran 672 142 34 7 24 21 14 26
6 Royal Harris Moran 660 112 37 11 28 21 3 26
7 Arabian Seminis 621 90 28 13 31 19 8 24
8 CrossCountry4318 Harris Moran 613 144 30 7 18 22 23 26
9 Colt Seminis 582 107 29 9 21 25 15 24
10 Premio Sakata 560 107 27 9 20 26 17 26
11 Johnston NCState Univ 556 108 28 7 22 28 16 26
12 Vlasstar(10489) Seminis 551 116 34 6 17 28 14 24
13 WI6856Ax6760B Wis-USDA 532 90 36 12 23 20 9 25
14 Napoleon(3502) SunSeeds 504 94 31 9 25 23 12 26
15 Jackson(3540) SunSeeds 493 84 33 9 30 20 8 26
16 HMX-0468 Harris Moran 491 91 36 9 23 22 10 24
17 Macarthur SunSeeds 487 107 47 9 20 15 9 26
18 Palomino(1911) Seminis 473 113 41 5 14 27 13 25
19 SRQP-2861 SunSeeds 347 66 29 8 18 29 15 26
20 Manteo NCState Univ 91 27 66 10 12 11 0 25
21 Wis.SMR 18 Univ. Wis. 50 16 55 6 17 10 11 3
LSD (5%) 406 71 13 5 8 10 13 3
Mean 533 102 22 9 22 22 12 24
CV (%) 46 42 35 32 22 27 66 7
Correlation (Fruit value with fruit weight) = 0.93**
Table 17. Stage 4 summer pickle trial - earliness data (cultigens are ranked
by fruit value in harvests 1 and 2).
Cumulative fruit value and % of
total valuez (6 harvests) for harvest:
Cultivar Seed 1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5_
Rank or line source $/A % $/A % $/A % $/A % $/A %
1 HMX-0469 Harris Moran 308 47 511 76 637 95 649 97 672 100
2 Calypso NCState Univ 278 37 476 62 640 87 699 96 726 100
3 Vlaspik Seminis 289 43 466 65 679 93 715 98 732 100
4 Patton (3528) SunSeeds 271 36 454 59 636 82 691 89 770 100
5 Arabian Seminis 245 42 430 72 563 91 598 97 621 100
6 Colt Seminis 298 53 412 71 544 90 568 96 582 100
7 CrossCountry4318 Harris Moran 204 33 398 65 565 92 588 96 613 100
8 Vlasstar(10489) Seminis 304 56 388 68 494 86 530 94 551 100
9 Jackson(3540) SunSeeds 232 47 383 76 484 98 487 98 493 100
10 Macarthur SunSeeds 207 46 364 77 467 96 484 99 487 100
11 Palomino(1911) Seminis 287 68 364 82 462 99 473 100 473 100
12 Royal Harris Moran 211 31 347 52 556 84 611 92 660 100
13 Raleigh NCState Univ 203 30 336 49 524 76 639 92 692 100
14 Napoleon(3502) SunSeeds 264 49 334 62 475 95 496 99 504 100
15 HMX-0468 Harris Moran 187 41 314 62 452 90 483 98 491 100
16 WI6856Ax6760B Wis-USDA 158 35 295 60 494 93 517 98 532 100
17 Johnston NCState Univ 187 36 284 53 465 83 519 94 556 100
18 SRQP-2861 SunSeeds 192 59 281 81 330 94 344 99 347 100
19 Premio Sakata 116 22 281 51 450 81 512 92 560 100
20 Manteo NCState Univ 27 29 37 37 58 66 68 75 91 100
21 Wis.SMR 18 Univ. Wis. 32 41 32 41 50 100 50 100 50 100
LSD (5%) 176 28 281 27 389 10 399 6 406 0
Mean 214 42 342 63 477 89 511 95 533 100
CV (%) 50 41 50 26 49 7 47 4 46 0
Correlation (Fruit value with value in harvests 1 and 2) = 0.92**
Table 18. Stage 4 summer pickle trial - fruit quality data (cultigens are
ranked by average quality).
Cultivar Seed Average Seed- impres-
Rank or line source qualityz Shapez Colory cellz sionz
1 Patton (3528) SunSeeds 7.6 8 8 7 8
2 Vlasstar(10489) Seminis 7.2 7 7 7 7
3 Arabian Seminis 7.0 7 8 7 7
4 Johnston NCState Univ 6.9 7 8 6 7
5 WI6856Ax6760B Wis-USDA 6.8 7 8 6 7
6 Raleigh NCState Univ 6.8 7 7 6 8
7 Calypso NCState Univ 6.7 7 6 6 7
8 CrossCountry4318 Harris Moran 6.7 7 7 7 7
9 Royal Harris Moran 6.7 7 7 6 7
10 HMX-0468 Harris Moran 6.7 7 7 6 7
11 Colt Seminis 6.6 7 7 6 7
12 Napoleon(3502) SunSeeds 6.4 6 7 6 7
13 Macarthur SunSeeds 6.0 7 8 5 7
14 Premio Sakata 5.9 7 5 5 6
15 Vlaspik Seminis 5.9 6 7 5 6
16 Manteo NCState Univ 5.8 6 6 6 6
17 SRQP-2861 SunSeeds 5.7 6 8 5 6
18 HMX-0469 Harris Moran 5.7 6 5 5 6
19 Jackson(3540) SunSeeds 5.4 6 8 5 6
20 Palomino(1911) Seminis 5.3 5 5 5 6
21 Wis.SMR 18 Univ. Wis. 3.4 4 3 3 3
LSD (5%) 1.2 1 1 2 1
Mean 6.2 6 7 6 7
CV (%) 11.9 13 13 19 13
z Quality rated 1 to 9 (1 = poor, 5 = average, 9 = excellent).
y Color rated 1 to 9 (1 = white, 5 = medium green, 9 = very dark green).
Correlation (Fruit value with average quality) = 0.30*
Table 19. Stage 4 summer pickle trial - other quality data (cultigens are
ranked by average quality).z
Cultivar Seed Firm- L/D Defects1° Defects2°
Rank or line source ness ratio 2 4 6 2 4 6
1 HMX-0468 Harris Moran 16.0 3.4 T T T K G K
2 Manteo NCState Univ 16.0 3.6 T L C A T G
3 Wis.SMR 18 Univ. Wis. 16.0 3.0 Y Y Y W W W
4 Macarthur SunSeeds 15.7 3.4 K T C K C N
5 Patton (3528) SunSeeds 15.3 3.1 K G K K K D
6 Premio Sakata 15.3 3.2 T W M A K H
7 Arabian Seminis 15.0 3.2 K K N C K K
8 WI6856Ax6760B Wis-USDA 15.0 3.3 K K H I K K
9 Calypso NCState Univ 14.7 3.2 A T A V G K
10 Colt Seminis 14.7 3.1 K K C V H T
11 Palomino(1911) Seminis 14.7 3.4 C T M V G D
12 HMX-0469 Harris Moran 14.3 3.3 K M T C D D
13 SRQP-2861 SunSeeds 14.0 3.0 K S D C H K
14 Vlasstar(10489) Seminis 13.7 3.3 K K T A K K
15 Jackson(3540) SunSeeds 13.7 3.0 K D N K N D
16 Johnston NCState Univ 13.3 3.5 K G K T K G
17 Raleigh NCState Univ 13.3 3.2 K T K A C D
18 CrossCountry4318 Harris Moran 13.3 3.4 K K M T T D
19 Royal Harris Moran 13.3 3.1 K T K A N T
20 Vlaspik Seminis 13.0 3.5 K T T K G D
21 Napoleon(3502) SunSeeds 12.3 3.1 K D D T K N
LSD (5%) 2.6 0.2
Mean 14.4 3.3
CV (%) 10.8 4.5
z Quality rated 1 to 9 (1 = poor, 5 = average, 9 = excellent).
Defects were rated as follows (giving primary and secondary for each harvest):
A - wArty fruit J - RiDGed S - Separated carpels
B - Blossom end defects K - Keep(excellent) T - Tapered ends
C - Crooks excessive L - Late maturity U - Uniform green
D - Dogbone shape M - Mottled fruit V - Varicolor (dark stem
E - Early maturity N - Nubs excessive end, light blossom end)
F - Four celled O - Offtype fruit W - White fruit
G - lonG fruit P - Placental hollows X - neCKS on fruit
H - sHort fruit Q - Y - Yellow fruit
I - strIped fruit R - Reject (poor) Z - diSeased fruit
Table 20. Stage 4 summer pickle trial - sex expression and vine data
(cultigens are ranked by gynoecious rating).
Cultivar Seed Gyn. Vine Vine
Rank or line source ratingz sizey colorx
1 Macarthur SunSeeds 9 7 8
2 Raleigh NCState Univ 9 7 7
3 Vlaspik Seminis 9 6 6
4 Vlasstar(10489) Seminis 8 7 7
5 Palomino(1911) Seminis 8 7 6
6 Jackson(3540) SunSeeds 8 5 6
7 HMX-0469 Harris Moran 8 7 8
8 Patton (3528) SunSeeds 8 7 7
9 Arabian Seminis 8 7 7
10 SRQP-2861 SunSeeds 8 6 6
11 Colt Seminis 8 5 6
12 Johnston NCState Univ 8 6 8
13 Napoleon(3502) SunSeeds 7 6 6
14 HMX-0468 Harris Moran 7 6 7
15 CrossCountry4318 Harris Moran 7 6 6
16 Royal Harris Moran 7 6 5
17 Calypso NCState Univ 7 8 7
18 WI6856Ax6760B Wis-USDA 6 6 5
19 Premio Sakata 6 6 6
20 Wis.SMR 18 Univ. Wis. 5 5 5
21 Manteo NCState Univ 4 4 4
LSD (5%) 2 2 2
Mean 7 6 6
CV (%) 18 16 17
z Gynoecious rating (1 = androecious, 2-3 = andromonoecious, 4-6 = monoecious,
7-8 = predominately gynoecious, 9 = gynoecious).
y Size rated 1 to 9 (1=very small, 9=very large).
x Color rated 1 to 9 (1=yellow, 9=very dark green).
Correlation (Yield with gynoecious rating) = 0.32**
Correlation (Yield with vine size) = 0.58**
Table 21. Stage 4 summer pickle trial - disease data (cultigens are ranked
by anthracnose resistance).z
Cultivar Seed Anthrac-
Rank or line source nose
1 Raleigh NCState Univ 2.3
2 Johnston NCState Univ 2.3
3 Calypso NCState Univ 4.0
4 HMX-0469 Harris Moran 4.3
5 Patton (3528) SunSeeds 4.3
6 CrossCountry4318 Harris Moran 4.3
7 Macarthur SunSeeds 4.7
8 Vlasstar(10489) Seminis 4.7
9 Vlaspik Seminis 5.0
10 Premio Sakata 5.0
11 Arabian Seminis 5.3
12 Colt Seminis 5.7
13 HMX-0468 Harris Moran 5.7
14 Napoleon(3502) SunSeeds 6.0
15 Royal Harris Moran 6.3
16 WI6856Ax6760B Wis-USDA 6.3
17 Jackson(3540) SunSeeds 6.7
18 SRQP-2861 SunSeeds 6.7
19 Wis.SMR 18 Univ. Wis. 7.0
20 Palomino(1911) Seminis 7.7
21 Manteo NCState Univ 8.0
LSD (5%) 2.5
Mean 5.3
CV (%) 28.5
z Disease rated 0 to 9 (0=none, 1-2=trace, 3-4=slight, 5-6=moderate, 7-8=advanced,
9=plant dead).
Correlation (Yield vs. anthracnose rating) = -0.61**
Table 22. Stage 4 summer pickle trial - selection indexes (cultigens ranked
by SWI1).z
Simple weighted Average rank
Cultivar Seed indexes indexes___
Rank or line source SWI1 SWI2 ARI1 ARI2
1 Patton (3528) SunSeeds 6.2 5.8 5.3 6.8
2 Calypso NCState Univ 6.0 5.6 8.3 8.4
3 Raleigh NCState Univ 5.7 5.5 7.3 8.6
4 Arabian Seminis 5.6 5.4 8.8 9.3
5 HMX-0469 Harris Moran 5.6 5.4 10.5 9.3
6 Vlaspik Seminis 5.5 5.2 10.8 10.9
7 CrossCountry4318 Harris Moran 5.5 5.4 9.1 9.5
8 Vlasstar(10489) Seminis 5.5 5.4 8.4 9.0
9 Johnston NCState Univ 5.4 5.3 8.4 9.2
10 Colt Seminis 5.3 5.1 10.6 10.6
11 Royal Harris Moran 5.1 4.8 9.6 11.3
12 Macarthur SunSeeds 5.0 5.1 10.7 9.4
13 HMX-0468 Harris Moran 4.8 4.7 10.8 10.8
14 WI6856Ax6760B Wis-USDA 4.8 4.7 10.6 11.2
15 Napoleon(3502) SunSeeds 4.7 4.7 11.2 12.4
16 Premio Sakata 4.7 4.5 11.8 11.3
17 Jackson(3540) SunSeeds 4.7 4.6 13.1 12.6
18 Palomino(1911) Seminis 4.2 4.4 14.9 13.3
19 SRQP-2861 SunSeeds 4.1 4.4 14.0 13.2
20 Manteo NCState Univ 2.7 2.8 17.1 16.8
21 Wis.SMR 18 Univ. Wis. 2.0 2.2 19.8 17.4
LSD (5%) 1.7 1.3 4.9 4.1
Mean 4.9 4.8 11.0 11.0
CV (%) 21.5 15.8 27.2 22.6
z SWI is simple weighted index calculated from the performance of a cultigen for
yield; earliness; fruit shape, seedcell size and overall impression; and disease
resistance. The index is calculated with 2 different methods of weighting each
trait (10 is best, 1 is worst).
ARI is the average ranking of each cultigen for yield, earliness, fruit quality
and disease resistance. The index is calculated with 2 different sets of
secondary traits added in with the primary traits (1 is best).
Correlation (Yield with SWI1) = 0.95**
Correlation (Yield with ARI1) = -0.79**