Summer (Stage 4) Slicing Cucumber Trial 2009

NCSU Cucumber Breeding Report - 2009cuke.gif

Todd C. Wehner

Tammy L. Ellington
Research Specialist

Department of Horticultural Science
North Carolina State University
            Raleigh, NC 27695-7609

Summer (Stage 4) Slicing Cucumber Trial
Todd C. Wehner and Tammy L. Ellington

Experiment Design
1.   A randomized complete block with 3 replications of slicer cultivars and
     breeding lines (collectively referred to as cultigens) was grown.
2.   Plots were single 20 ft. rows with 5 ft. alleys at each end.
3.   Rows were on raised 18" beds spaced 60" apart (center to center).
4.   Fertilizer consisted of 80-80-80 lb/A (N-P-K) broadcast preplant
     and 30-0-0 lb/A (N-P-K) sideplaced at the 2 to 4 leaf stage.
5.   Curbit was applied preemergence at the rate of 1 lb. a.i./A.
6.   The trial was planted 10 July, and harvested 4 times
     (Mondays and Thursdays) between 21 August and 8 September.

Data Collection
1.   Fruit were weighed after sorting into No.1, No.2 and cull
     (nubs and crooks) grades according to U.S.D.A. standards.
2.   Fruit length, diameter and weight were recorded for 3 fruit per plot.
3.   Quality ratings were from 1 to 9, with 1 = worst, 9 = best.
4.   Disease ratings were from 0 to 9, with 0 = no disease, 1-2 = trace,
     3-4 = slight, 5-6 = moderate, 7-8 = severe, 9 = plant dead. 
The following cultigens performed well, and could be advanced
to the next stage:

 1   G57xNC-58                       NCState Univ
 2   Intimidator                     Seminis     
 3   NC-Stratford                    NCState Univ
 4   NC-Sunshine                     NCState Univ
 5   G57xNC-59                       NCState Univ
 6   EMSB-143                        EmeraldSeeds
 7   EGSB-160                        EmeraldSeeds

Table 27.  Stage 4 summer slicer trial - yield data (cultigens ranked by
cwt/A of Fancy + No. 1 grade fruit).
                                        Yield(cwt/A)   Percent            Plants
         Cultivar          Seed         Fancy  Market-  fancy    Percent   per A
Rank     or line          source        +No.1    able   +No.1     culls   (x1000)
  1    G57xNC-58       NCState Univ       72      126       38       33       26
  2    G57xNC-59       NCState Univ       67      100       46       30       26
  3    NC-Stratford    NCState Univ       60      110       38       31       26
  4    Intimidator     Seminis            58      111       37       32       26
  5    NC-Sunshine     NCState Univ       40       61       38       41       17
  6    Montebello      United Genet       40       60       48       29       25
  7    G57xNC-63       NCState Univ       39       79       32       31       26
  8    Poinsett 76     Cornell Univ       37       68       36       30       26
  9    Dasher II       Seminis            35       64       34       38       26
 10    EGSB-160        EmeraldSeeds       30       59       28       45       26
 11    EMSB-143        EmeraldSeeds       30       43       46       35       26
 12    G83xNC-58       NCState Univ       27       46       28       52       24
 13    G83xNC-63       NCState Univ       26       40       34       50       23
 14    G83xNC-62       NCState Univ       25       53       25       47       24
 15    G83xNC-59       NCState Univ       25       36       31       55       24
 16    G57xNC-62       NCState Univ       25       65       22       42       26
 17    Cherokee 87     Check              23       43       27       50       25
 18    EGSB-152        EmeraldSeeds       20       30       33       50       26
 19    Ashley          Check              17       41       23       41       23
 20    Marketmore76    Check              10       11       28       69       26
       CV (%)                             51       36       36       28       11
       Mean                               35       62       34       41       25
       LSD (5%)                           30       37       20       20        4
Correlation (Marketable yield with % culls) = -0.74**

Table 28.  Stage 4 summer slicer trial - earliness data (cultigens ranked by
weight of Fancy + No.1 grade fruit in harvests 1 and 2).
                                     Cumulative fruit weight and % of
                                  total weight (6 harvests) for harvest:
    Cultivar         Seed         1       1-2       1-3       1-4       1-5
Rank  or line        source     Wt.  %   Wt.   %   Wt.   %   Wt.   %   Wt.   %
  1 G57xNC-58    NCState Univ   19   15   49   39   99   78  112   88  122   97
  2 Intimidator  Seminis         7    5   28   25   69   60   86   76  102   90
  3 NC-Stratford NCState Univ    4    3   26   24   83   76   98   89  107   97
  4 NC-Sunshine  NCState Univ    9   10   25   38   47   76   51   84   61  100
  5 G57xNC-59    NCState Univ    1    1   15   14   38   37   69   66   95   95
  6 G83xNC-62    NCState Univ    1    2   14   34   33   67   46   87   50   96
  7 G57xNC-62    NCState Univ    2    2   14   22   27   42   54   82   63   97
  8 G83xNC-63    NCState Univ    2    3   11   19   22   43   35   85   38   95
  9 G57xNC-63    NCState Univ    0    0    8   11   39   44   57   70   72   90
 10 Cherokee 87  Check           1    1    4    8   12   25   24   50   43  100
 11 Dasher II    Seminis         1    1    3    4   11   12   31   44   57   89
 12 Montebello   United Genet    1    1    3    4   16   25   27   45   52   87
 13 G83xNC-58    NCState Univ    0    0    3    7   16   40   27   62   42   93
 14 G83xNC-59    NCState Univ    0    0    2    6   15   32   28   71   32   83
 15 Ashley       Check           0    0    1    2   11   24   14   33   32   75
 16 EGSB-160     EmeraldSeeds    0    0    1    1   17   26   24   37   49   73
 17 Poinsett 76  Cornell Univ    0    0    0    0    8   13   28   43   58   87
 18 EMSB-143     EmeraldSeeds    0    0    0    0    0    1   11   23   33   69
 19 EGSB-152     EmeraldSeeds    0    0    0    0    1    2    4   10   20   64
 20 Marketmore76 Check           0    0    0    0    0    0    1   37    6   63
    CV (%)                     195  191   94   96   69   57   47   37   39   17
    Mean                         2    2   10   13   28   36   41   59   57   87
    LSD (5%)                     7    7   16   20   32   34   32   36   37   25
Correlation (Marketable yield with yield in harvests 1-2)      = 0.68**
Correlation (Marketable yield with % of yield in harvests 1-2) = 0.42**

Table 29.  Stage 4 summer slicer trial - fruit quality data (cultigens ranked
by average quality).z
         Cultivar         Seed         Average                    Seed- Overall
   Rank   or line        source        quality    Shape   Color   cell impression
    1   Marketmore76   Check             7.3        8       8       7       7
    2   NC-Sunshine    NCState Univ      7.0        6       8       8       7
    3   Intimidator    Seminis           6.9        7       7       6       8
    4   EGSB-160       EmeraldSeeds      6.9        7       8       7       7
    5   EMSB-143       EmeraldSeeds      6.8        7       8       7       7
    6   G83xNC-58      NCState Univ      6.3        6       8       6       6
    7   Poinsett 76    Cornell Univ      6.3        6       8       6       7
    8   G83xNC-62      NCState Univ      6.3        6       7       7       6
    9   NC-Stratford   NCState Univ      6.2        6       8       6       7
   10   Montebello     United Genet      6.2        6       8       6       6
   11   G83xNC-63      NCState Univ      6.2        5       8       7       7
   12   Dasher II      Seminis           6.2        5       7       8       6
   13   G83xNC-59      NCState Univ      6.0        6       7       6       6
   14   EGSB-152       EmeraldSeeds      5.9        6       8       7       5
   15   Cherokee 87    Check             5.7        6       7       5       6
   16   G57xNC-58      NCState Univ      5.6        5       5       6       5
   17   Ashley         Check             5.3        6       6       5       5
   18   G57xNC-63      NCState Univ      5.2        5       6       5       5
   19   G57xNC-62      NCState Univ      5.2        5       5       6       5
   20   G57xNC-59      NCState Univ      4.7        5       5       5       4
        CV (%)                           9.9       18      11      12      14
        Mean                             6.1        6       7       6       6
        LSD (5%)                         1.0        2       1       1       1
z Quality rated 1 to 9 (1 = poor, 5 = average, 9 = excellent;
except color where 1 = white, 5 = medium green, 9 = very dark green).
Correlation (Marketable yield with average quality) = -0.15ns

Table 30.  Stage 4 summer slicer trial - fruit dimensions and comments
(cultigens ranked by average quality rating).z
        Cultivar        Seed       Length Diameter  Wt.    Defect1°    Defect2°
Rank    or line        source      (inch)  (inch)  (lb.)   2   4   6   2   4   6
 1   Marketmore76   Check            7.9     2.1    0.62   K   K   K   T   T   T
 2   NC-Sunshine    NCState Univ     7.6     1.9    0.64   K   K   K   K   D   H
 3   Intimidator    Seminis          8.6     1.9    0.74   K   K   K   T   T   T
 4   EGSB-160       EmeraldSeeds     8.2     1.9    0.55   K   K   K   T   T   T
 5   EMSB-143       EmeraldSeeds     5.0     1.8    0.63   K   T   K   T   C   T
 6   G83xNC-58      NCState Univ     6.9     2.0    0.55   H   K   K   M   G   H
 7   Poinsett 76    Cornell Univ     6.7     2.0    0.74   H   H   K   N   N   H
 8   G83xNC-62      NCState Univ     7.7     2.0    0.66   H   H   K   T   M   T
 9   NC-Stratford   NCState Univ     7.3     2.0    0.69   K   K   H   H   D   K
10   Montebello     United Genet     7.9     1.8    0.57   G   O   H   T   D   T
11   G83xNC-63      NCState Univ     7.6     1.9    0.64   K   H   K   T   N   K
12   Dasher II      Seminis          7.2     1.9    0.56   H   D   K   T   N   H
13   G83xNC-59      NCState Univ     7.5     2.0    0.65   H   K   K   K   H   H
14   EGSB-152       EmeraldSeeds     7.4     1.8    0.55   H   T   H   T   N   T
15   Cherokee 87    Check            6.8     2.0    0.55   K   H   H   M   N   M
16   G57xNC-58      NCState Univ     6.7     2.1    0.67   H   H   M   K   M   H
17   Ashley         Check            7.1     1.9    0.58   M   H   H   T   M   M
18   G57xNC-63      NCState Univ     6.6     2.0    0.61   H   H   M   M   M   H
19   G57xNC-62      NCState Univ     6.6     2.0    0.58   H   H   K   D   M   M
20   G57xNC-59      NCState Univ     6.3     2.0    0.57   H   H   M   M   M   H
     CV (%)                          7.1     7.3   16.73
     Mean                            7.2     2.0    0.62
     LSD (5%)                        0.8     0.2    0.17
z Defects were rated as follows (giving primary and secondary for each harvest):
 A - wArty fruit             J – RiDGed               S - Separated carpels
 B - Blossom end defects     K - Keep(excellent)      T - Tapered ends
 C - Crooks excessive        L - Late maturity        U - Uniform green
 D - Dogbone shape           M - Mottled fruit        V - Varicolor (dark stem
 E - Early maturity          N - Nubs excessive           end, light blossom end)
 F - Four celled             O - Offtype fruit        W - White fruit
 G - lonG fruit              P - Placental hollows    X - neCKS on fruit
 H - sHort fruit             Q -                      Y - Yellow fruit
 I - strIped fruit           R - Reject (poor)        Z - diSeased fruit

Table 31.  Stage 4 summer slicer trial - sex expression and vine data
(cultigens ranked by gynoecious rating).
                                                 Early   Earli-
         Cultivar         Seed           Gyn.    yield   ness     Vine     Vine
Rank     or line         source         ratingz (cwt/A)  (%)x      sizew    colorw
  1    Montebello      United Genet        8        3        4        8        8
  2    Intimidator     Seminis             7       28       25        8        6
  3    NC-Stratford    NCState Univ        7       26       24        7        6
  4    G83xNC-62       NCState Univ        7       14       34        7        7
  5    Cherokee 87     Check               7        4        8        7        8
  6    G57xNC-58       NCState Univ        6       49       39        8        7
  7    Dasher II       Seminis             6        3        4        7        8
  8    G57xNC-63       NCState Univ        6        8       11        7        7
  9    G57xNC-62       NCState Univ        6       14       22        6        7
 10    G83xNC-58       NCState Univ        6        3        7        7        7
 11    NC-Sunshine     NCState Univ        6       25       38        6        7
 12    EGSB-160        EmeraldSeeds        5        1        1        8        7
 13    Poinsett 76     Cornell Univ        5        0        0        7        7
 14    G83xNC-59       NCState Univ        5        2        6        7        6
 15    G57xNC-59       NCState Univ        5       15       14        8        7
 16    EMSB-143        EmeraldSeeds        5        0        0        8        7
 17    G83xNC-63       NCState Univ        5       11       19        7        7
 18    Ashley          Check               5        1        2        7        7
 19    EGSB-152        EmeraldSeeds        4        0        0        8        7
 20    Marketmore76    Check               4        0        0        7        7
       CV (%)                             18       94       96       12       12
       Mean                                6       10       13        7        7
       LSD (5%)                            2       16       20        1        1
z Gynoecious rating (1 = androecious, 2-3 = andromonoecious, 4-6 = monoecious,
7-8 = predominately gynoecious, 9 = gynoecious).
y Early yield is weight of Fancy+No.1 grade fruit produced in harvests 1 and 2.
x Earliness is the percent of the yield (Fancy + No.1 grade fruit) of 6 harvests
that was produced in harvests 1 and 2.
w Vine size & color are rated 1 (small or yellow green) to 9 (large or
dark green).
Correlation (Marketable yield with gynoecious rating) = 0.39**

Table 32.  Stage 4 summer slicer trial - disease ratings (cultigens ranked
by average disease resistance).z
                Cultivar          Seed                     Downy
        Rank     or line         source                    mildew
              1    EGSB-152        EmeraldSeeds              3.7
              2    EMSB-143        EmeraldSeeds              4.0
              3    Dasher II       Seminis                   4.7
              4    EGSB-160        EmeraldSeeds              4.7
              5    G57xNC-59       NCState Univ              4.7
              6    Poinsett 76     Cornell Univ              5.0
              7    Ashley          Check                     5.0
              8    Marketmore76    Check                     5.0
              9    Montebello      United Genet              5.3
             10    G83xNC-62       NCState Univ              5.3
             11    G57xNC-63       NCState Univ              5.3
             12    G83xNC-58       NCState Univ              5.3
             13    G83xNC-59       NCState Univ              5.3
             14    Intimidator     Seminis                   5.7
             15    G57xNC-62       NCState Univ              6.0
             16    NC-Stratford    NCState Univ              6.3
             17    Cherokee 87     Check                     6.3
             18    G57xNC-58       NCState Univ              6.3
             19    NC-Sunshine     NCState Univ              6.3
             20    G83xNC-63       NCState Univ              6.3
                   CV (%)                                   13.5
                   Mean                                      5.3
                   LSD (5%)                                  1.2
z Disease rated 0 to 9 (0=none, 1-2=trace, 3-4=slight, 5-6=moderate, 7-8=advanced,
  9=plant dead).
Correlation (Marketable yield with disease rating) = 0.17ns

Table 33.  Stage 4 summer slicer trial - selection indexes (cultigens ranked
by SWI1).z
                                            Simple weighted    Average rank
             Cultivar          Seed             indexes           indexes
     Rank    or line          source        SWI1       SWI2    ARI1     ARI2
      1    G57xNC-58       NCState Univ      4.2      4.0     10.1      9.0
      2    Intimidator     Seminis           4.2      4.0      7.2      7.3
      3    NC-Stratford    NCState Univ      4.0      3.8      8.9      8.7
      4    NC-Sunshine     NCState Univ      3.8      3.8      8.3      8.9
      5    G57xNC-59       NCState Univ      3.6      3.3     11.7      9.7
      6    EMSB-143        EmeraldSeeds      3.6      3.2      8.8      9.5
      7    EGSB-160        EmeraldSeeds      3.5      3.2      8.9      9.5
      8    Montebello      United Genet      3.4      3.1     10.1     10.3
      9    Dasher II       Seminis           3.4      3.1      9.5      9.6
     10    Poinsett 76     Cornell Univ      3.4      3.1     10.6     10.8
     11    G83xNC-62       NCState Univ      3.4      3.5      9.2      9.1
     12    Marketmore76    Check             3.3      3.0      9.3     11.1
     13    G83xNC-58       NCState Univ      3.3      3.0     10.4     10.7
     14    EGSB-152        EmeraldSeeds      3.3      2.9     11.4     11.5
     15    G57xNC-63       NCState Univ      3.2      3.0     12.4     11.0
     16    G83xNC-63       NCState Univ      3.1      3.1     11.7     12.5
     17    G83xNC-59       NCState Univ      3.1      2.8     11.4     11.8
     18    G57xNC-62       NCState Univ      2.9      2.8     13.0     11.8
     19    Cherokee 87     Check             2.9      2.7     13.6     13.8
     20    Ashley          Check             2.8      2.5     13.6     13.2
           CV (%)                           11.8     12.1     18.9     19.1
           Mean                              3.4      3.2     10.5     10.5
           LSD (5%)                          0.7      0.6      3.3      3.3
z SWI is simple weighted index calculated from the performance of a cultigen for
yield; earliness; fruit shape, seedcell size and overall impression; and disease
resistance.  The index is calculated with 2 different methods of weighting each
trait (10 is best, 1 is worst).

ARI is the average ranking of each cultigen for yield, earliness, fruit quality
and disease resistance.  The index is calculated with 2 different sets of
secondary traits added in with the primary traits (1 is best).

Correlation (Marketable yield with SWI1) = 0.76**
Correlation (Marketable yield with ARI1) = -0.39**