Genetics and Germplasm Working Group (GG)
GG is part of the American Society for Horticultural Science (ASHS)
Minutes (2001 meeting)
- Genetics and Germplasm Working Group Business Meeting
- American Society for Horticultural Science 2001 Annual Conference
- Sacramento, California
- July 22, 2001
Meeting called to order at 11:05 am by Jim Nienhuis.
First order of business: J. Nienhuis extends thanks to Linda Wessel-Beaver for the successful workshop and the genomics colloquium that was approved for this year. The genomics colloquium is coming up tomorrow and is cosponsored with the Vegetable Breeding Working Group and the Intellectual Property Rights Working Group.
Second order of business: The meeting next year in Toronto: how do we fit in? It is a joint meeting with ISHS – the colloquia are already established. We can apply for a workshop from 6-8 pm that may be a less than desirable time slot. Do we want a workshop? We will have a business meeting. Phil Forsline is the organizer of ISHS Symposium 21, Plant Genetic Resources: The Fabric of Horticulture’s Future. John Stommel is organizing a workshop relevant to public/private coordination in germplasm preservation and characterization.
Discussion of participation in 2003 meeting in Providence. Possible workshop or colloquium topics:
- Historical perspectives of plant breeding, collection, germplasm system
- Nutritional Genomics/Proteomics and Human Nutrition
- Use of molecular markers in germplasm improvement (possible contact: Rex Bernardo)
- Evaluation of burgeoning germplasm collections
- Use of molecular markers in breeding, especially with regard to selection efficiency (is this topic too narrow?)
- Proteomics of Germplasm Collection
- Nutrition and Proteomics
How can we use the genome information that is coming out? Need to identify the working groups that would be interested in co-sponsoring this symposium.
Proposed, for 2003, a colloquium entitled “Genetics, Genomics, and Human Nutrition: The Paradox”. Possible cooperating working groups: Vegetable Breeding, Fruit Breeding, Intellectual Property Rights, Post Harvest. Janice Strachan, organizer.
Moved and seconded to pursue a possible joint workshop with the History of Horticultural Sciences WG on historical perspectives in plant germplasm collection.
Election of new secretary. Janice Strachan nominated and accepted as secretary for 2002, chair-elect 2003, and chair 2004.