Genetics and Germplasm Working Group (GG)
GG is part of the American Society for Horticultural Science (ASHS)
Minutes (2005 meeting)
- Genetics and Germplasm Working Group Business Meeting
- American Society for Horticultural Science Annual Conference
- Riviera Hotel
- Las Vegas, Nevada
- July 19, 2005
Hamid Ashrafi,Kevin Crosby, Majid Foolad, Becky Grube, Rebecca Grumet, Ryan Hayes, Barbara Hellier, Jim McCreight, Beiquan Mou, Matthew Robbins, Ralph Scorza, Jay Scott, Phil Simon, Mikel Stevens, John Stommel, Todd Wehner, and Linda Wessel-Beaver.
Becky Grube (chair), Maria Jenderek (chair-elect, not present), Beiquan Mou (secretary).
- Minutes
- The meeting was called to order by Becky Grube. Following introduction of attendees, the minutes of the 2004 business meeting were approved. The minutes were posted at a website maintained by Dr. Todd Wehner at NC State University, (
- Frank N. Meyer Medal
- Becky Grube distributed information about the Frank N. Meyer Medal for Plant Genetic Resources. Nominations were sought for the tri-society award that recognizes a person with an outstanding record of service over a long period of time in exploration, evaluation, preservation, or administrative foresight of plant genetic resources.
- Pre-Conference CSREES Stakeholder workshop
- The goal of the workshop was to gather input from Working Groups and other ASHS participants on needs and potential areas of horticultural research to be considered by USDA CSREES Competitive Program in future funding opportunities. Becky Grube represented the G&G Working Group at the workshop. The needs of genetics and plant breeding groups were well documented, including funding service centers to perform molecular marker genotyping for breeders. The full report of the workshop will be prepared by Mary Peet and will be forwarded to group members by Becky.
- ASHS multimedia proposals
- Becky Grube learned from the working group chair and chair-elect meeting that ASHS is seeking proposals to produce CD and DVD products for horticulture-related topics. Two types of product were suggested, HortEducator and It’s Hot. HortEducator is teaching-oriented and may include video interviews with ASHS members describing their research programs. It’s Hot features current “hot’ research areas with national or international significance. One example is the recently completed ASHS Video Workshop Series “Anthracnose on Strawberry”. Members were encouraged to submit proposals.
- GGWG-sponsored events at the 2005 meeting
- The workshop “Development and Introduction of New Crops: Issues and Current Efforts” organized by Maria Jenderek was well attended by the meeting participants (ca. 70). The group was reminded to attend the Colloquium 3: Advances in Genomics for Horticultural Crop Improvement” organized by Schuyler Korban on July 20.
- GGWG-supported activities at future ASHS annual meetings
- 2006 Meeting: 27-30 July, New Orleans, LA. The deadline for submitting colloquium proposals was June 30, 2005. No proposal from GGWG was submitted. ASHS had received 4 colloquium proposals from other working groups for the 2006 meeting. The deadline for submitting workshop proposals was originally set for December 2005, but may be postponed to Feb. 2006. A workshop with a tentative title “Germplasm management: from preservation to regeneration” was proposed. Barbara Hellier agreed to take the lead in developing the workshop proposal.
- The 2007 ASHS Meeting
- The meeting will be 16-19 July, Scottsdale, AZ. The deadline for colloquium proposal submission will be June 2006. Two possible topics “Outlook and challenges for transgenic horticultural crops” and “Effect and control of emerging diseases” were discussed at the meeting. The topic on emerging diseases was later picked up by the Vegetable Breeding Working Group to develop into a workshop for the 2006 meeting. Beiquan Mou agreed to develop the colloquium proposal for transgenic crops and seek possible speakers. It was suggested to contact other plant breeding working groups for possible co-sponsorship.
- Working group leadership
- Maria Jenderek will be chair; Beiquan Mou will be chair-elect; no secretary was elected for 2005-2006.
- The meeting was adjourned.