Pea Breeding (by year, then author)
Dr. Todd C. Wehner
- Wehner, T. C. and E. T. Gritton. 1980. Change in proportion of pea foliage types after one season of growth as a mixture. Pisum Newsl. 12: 70-71.
- Wehner, T. C. and E. T. Gritton. 1980. Low temperature seed germination tests. Pisum Newsl. 12: 72-73.
- Wehner, T. C. and E. T. Gritton. 1981. Effect of the n gene on pea pod characteristics. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 106: 181-183.
- Wehner, T. C. and E. T. Gritton. 1981. Horticultural evaluation of eight foliage types of peas near-isogenic for the genes af, tl and st. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 196: 272-278.