Vegetable Breeding Working Group (VGBR)
VGBR is part of the American Society for Horticultural Science (ASHS)
Minutes (2006 meeting)
- Vegetable Breeding Working Group Business Meeting
- American Society for Horticultural Science Annual Conference
- Sheraton, New Orleans, Louisiana
- 30 July 2006
Attendance. Russell Nagata, Ryan Hayes, Angela Davis, Kevin Crosby, Mikel Stevens, Linda Wessel-Beaver, Beiquan Mou, Gordon Lightbourn, Rose Palumbo, Ryan Walker, Richard Fery, Anna Hale, Todd Wehner, Albert Liptay, John Clark.
General business. Russell Nagata opened the meeting with the 1st order of business, approval of minutes from the 2005 VGBR meeting. They were unanimously approved. There was no old business, so new business was discussed.
Workshop topics. It was suggested that the VGBR submit a Colloquium Title for 2007. The Title suggested was; ‘Breeding for Sustainable and Organic Culture.’ John Clark mentioned that several of the other working groups would dovetail with this title and it could make a great cross-commodity group sponsored Colloquium. He also mentioned that the deadline for submitting colloquium titles had been extended due to the low numbers of proposed titles so far this year. Working Groups that might be interested in helping with this colloquium were brought up (Fruit Breeding, Citrus, Viticulture, Ornamental (cut, landscape), Turf). Ryan Hayes and Russell volunteered to find speakers for the colloquium and would contact the other working groups to see if they are interested in cosponsoring the colloquium. Beiquan Mou brought up that the VGBR had already suggested a colloquium title this year on ‘Genetics and Germplasm.’ John suggested we submit our new title anyway because cross-commodity colloquium brings in diverse topics and makes the session more informative. A vote was taken and it was unanimous for submitting a title for the new colloquium.
It was discussed that the VGBR co-sponsor with the Fruit Breeding Working Group a workshop on ‘High Yield/ Quality/ Nutrition, Are they Related.’ Ryan volunteered to send out a proposal to the other Working Groups by list serve. It was suggested that if our colloquium proposal wasn’t accepted we could turn this idea into a workshop. Since this topic is timely, if it was not accepted this year, it could be resubmitted in subsequent years.
Russell informed the group that ASHS administration wants feedback on their suggestion of giving each Working Group $500 annually, to use on workshops or colloquium. This could be used to pay registration for non-ASHS members who are invited speakers. It was mentioned that this year 100 speakers were invited and did not pay registration. That drives the cost up for regular attendees. It is hoped that the $500 would be used to pay registration cost for invited speakers. The consensus of those in attendance was that they would rather have the current practice of waiving the registration fee for invited non-member speakers, than for the Working Groups to obtain $500 each year.
Other business. It was brought up that the Society Journals were difficult to access electronically and that they should not limit access to them. It was noted Mike Neff was the expert in this area and should be apprised of the situation.
The February 8th and 9th ‘Sustainable Plant Breeding as a Vital National Capacity for the Future of U.S. Agriculture’ Meeting in Raleigh, North Carolina was discussed. Todd mentioned that the registration fee covered food and hotel for the 2-day meeting and that this was our chance to have our voice heard and to talk about how plant breeders can get more funding for their research.
Vegetable Breeding Award of Excellence. Due to hurricane problems, the nomination for a ‘VGBR Award of Excellence’ was not submitted in time. It was decided that two awards would be given next year. Ryan said he would put out a call for nominations for the 2006 award.
It was suggested we have photos for the ‘VGBR Award of Excellence’ winners on our website. It was asked that anyone with photos please send them to Todd Wehner.
Election of secretary. Kevin Crosby (Texas A&M University) was nominated for secretary by Linda Wessel-Beaver, Todd Wehner seconded the nomination. The vote was unanimous in favor of Kevin. Ryan Hayes and Angela Davis became chair and chair elect respectively.
The meeting was adjourned.
Web site for our working group: