Cucumber Trials Summary – 2000
Todd C. Wehner (Professor) and Tammy L. Ellington (Agric. Res. Tech. III)
Department of Horticultural Science, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695
The authors gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Jimmy Prince and the personnel at the Horticultural Crops Research Station, Clinton, NC for help in planting maintaining, and harvesting the trials, and to Marie Hall for assembling this report.
About This Report
The data contained in this publication are made available to interested persons so that they will be informed as to the nature and scope of our cucumber breeding program. Since the results of the trials are based on one year’s data, they should be interpreted cautiously. Genotype x environment interactions make it likely that the performance of any given cultigen (cultivar or breeding line) will be significantly different in other trials. Often, cultigens that perform well for yield, earliness, fruit quality, or disease resistance in one trial will perform significantly worse in other trials.
Other factors, known only to the researchers, may complicate the interpretation of the results, making it difficult for others to interpret differences from one year to the next. For example, the effect of seed lot, pollenizer, harvest labor, irrigation, fertilizer, pollinating insects and weather patterns may cause some test plots in the field to receive better or worse treatment than average. Therefore, we urge caution in interpreting these data. Conclusions drawn by the reader will be more accurate if they are of a general nature. For example, note which cultigens performed in the top third for yield, rather than which one was at the very top.
The cost of planning these trials, doing the field work, running the data analysis, and summarizing the results for this report was approximately $48,000 for the brinestock, pickling and slicing cucumber trials. Printing and binding charges were approximately $3.00 per report (paper version).
Pricing for Yield Calculations (grades, diameters)
- No.1 (< 1 1/16″): $18.30/cwt
- No.2 (1 1/16 – 1 1/2″): $9.55/cwt
- No.3 (1 1/2 – 2″): $6.45/cwt
- No.4 (> 2″): $0.00/cwt
NCSU Cucumber Breeding Report (HTML versions)
- Pickle Trials
- Brinestock Evaluation
- Stage 1 – Preliminary Trial (not run this year)
- Stage 2 – Observational Trial (not run this year)
- Stage 3 – Spring Season
- Stage 4 – Summer Season (lost to virus)
- Slicer Trials
- Stage 1 – Preliminary Trial (not run this year)
- Stage 2 – Observational Trial (not run this year)
- Stage 3 – Spring Season
- Stage 4 – Summer Season (lost to virus)
- Trials Correction Factors